Task Management 4.0

November 28th, 2022

This release of Task Management, which is fully compatible with FintechOS Platform v22.1.4, introduces new features to enhance routing and delegation rules and save employees time when handling tasks, including:

  • Automatic users and queues set-up & management.

  • Performance optimization for task Inbox.

  • Redesign of Dashboards and Task Details page as well as the introduction of Coordinator dashboard.

  • Activity history, related tasks, and Notes collaboration area.

  • Possibility to parametrize at queue level the views available in the dashboards.

  • Possibility to parametrize (low code) which fields from the entity are displayed in the dashboard’s lists.

This is part of the FintechOS 22.R3 release. Please check the main release notes for more information.

New Features

Security Role Configuration

To decrease the manual workload in setting up and the management of the Operators to queues (Security Role Configuration menu), competence level, and workload, the Administrator or Coordinator can now map the security roles and define the association rules to fill the required information automatically in the settings.

Operator and Coordinator Dashboard

Two separate dashboards are available for Operators and Coordinators:

  • The Operator Dashboard is the main overview page for users with the associated role of Task Management Operator, allowing them to manage and track all their tasks (from any queue they are associated to) in one place. Using filters, the Operators can view all unresolved tasks and quickly prioritize what matters most. They can also pick-up tasks from colleagues in Holiday.

  • The Coordinator Dashboard is the main overview page for users with the associated role of Task Management Coordinator, allowing them to oversee all tasks (from all associated queues) in one place and view the assigned tasks of each Operator.


Setting Relevant Options

When creating a queue, the Coordinator can set the relevant views (Unallocated tasks, Returned Tasks, Tasks in review, etc.) so that only those are available in the dashboards.

Establishing the fields from the main entity which identifies best the task in the eyes of the users and which are presented in the dashboard views and on the Detail page.

UI display parametrization to Notes and Activities.

Task Detail Page

The new Task Details page standardizes the way each task looks and what are the fields any user sees on any kind of task (no matter the main entity to which the task is related to).

The main form is now embedded in the task form, and now additional section for the Journal Notes (where users can collaborate by adding notes and attaching documents) and the Activity section (where users can view the activity history on the selected task, as well as other tasks related to the same record from the main entity). Read more about this by accessing the Working with Coordinator Dashboard page.

Breaking Changes

If Operators decide to work on a task allocated to another colleague, they can click the Pick Up button, and the system changes the Assignee to the new Operator. The behavior is modified from the previous version, where initial task was closed and a new one created. Now a history table is in place with all the Assignees over time.

The ClosedReallocated status has been removed, but the old tasks that are already in the ClosedReallocated status remain the same. Also, the status transition from AllocatedButHoliday to ClosedReallocated is no longer available.