Security Role Configuration

To decrease the manual workload in setting up the operator queues, competence level, and workload, you can associate a security role to fill the required information automatically in the Security Role Configuration menu.

The Security Role Configuration allows the Admin users to allocate one or more Operators with a certain Security Role, with a Competence Level, profile to a certain Queue. For example, you can allocate all system users with Loan Admin Officer security role to a queue such as Loan Term and set the Competence Level 1, the Profile Operator, and a maximum active item allocation number.

Bulk Allocate Operators

Follow the steps below to automatically allocate operators to a queue:

  1. In FintechOS Portal, click the main menu and access Task Management > Security Role Configuration. The list of security role configurations is displayed.

  2. Click Insert to add one or more operators with specific security role to a queue.

    All the details below, the Security Role, Queue, Competence Level, and Operator Profile, must be already defined in the system.

    Fill in the following information:

    • Name: Enter the name of the queue.

    • Security Role: Select the security role.

    • Queue: Select the queue.

    • Competence Level: Select the competence level of the operator.

    • Operator Profile: Select a profile from the available ones.

    • Max Active Item Allocation Number: Enter the maximum number of tasks that can be allocated to this operator.

    • Update Propagation: Tick this to apply the above changes to existing operators with the previously selected security role. Leave this unticked to apply changes only for new operators.

  3. The Automatic Operator Configuration job runs every 10 minutes and updates the changes made in the Operators Board.

  4. Once this is completed, the Operators are automatically allocated to Queues.

  5. To see the allocated operators, go to Task Management > Queue menu and select the allocated Queue.

  6. Go to the OperatorXQueue section to view the Operators that were automatically allocated to the selected Queue.