Configuring Task Management

Before starting to work with Task Management, you should perform a series of configurations which are detailed below:

  1. Create a Digital Journey.

  2. Create a Queue Type.

  3. Create Filters for Queues (mandatory if you assign more than one Queue on the Queue Type), Profiles (mandatory if you define at least one Profile) and Competence Levels (mandatory if you add Competence Levels on Queues).


    The use of filters for queues, competence levels and profiles is optional for Task Management version 4.1.

  4. Create Queues.

  5. Create Competence Levels.

  6. Create an Operator Profile if needed.

  7. Configure the Operator and allocate it on queues.


    Perform all the steps above for all operators.

  1. Go to FintechOS Studio > Digital Experience > Digital Flow Processing and click Insert to create a new Flow Settings.

  2. On the Add Flow Settings page, select the Digital Journey created in step 1.

  3. Add a Name for the flow settings.

  1. Click Save and Reload

  2. In the Processor Settings section, click Insert to add the processor settings used for Task Management.

  3. On the newly displayed Add Processor Settings page, set the following fields:

    • Name: Enter the name of your processor.

    • Digital Processor Type: Select the Task Management type.

    • Settings: Enter the JSON code for the processor's settings.

Working with Task Management Admin Menu

Use the Task Management Admin Menu for making the initial configurations, such as defining queues, creating users for operators, defining competence levels, and so on. This menu is designed for administrators for initial configurations, but also for managing queues, competence levels, filters and more.

Follow these steps to access the Admin Menu:

  1. In the FintechOS Portal, click the main menu. The list of items opens.

  2. From the list of items, click Task Management. The list of features opens.

To view instructions on how to configure each feature, check the topics below: