Manage Claims Management

The Claims Management solution is designed to offer you an easy route for claims processing. The solution is comprised of the following key flows:

  • The First Notification of Loss flow: For collecting information about the policy, the notifier, the people involved, with the option to continue to the Create claim or Cancel notification steps. Creating a First Notification of Loss (FNOL) is mandatory in order for any claim to be processed by the system. All the information that you insert in this step is re-used during the Claims Management solution, in automatic auto-complete and read-only fields;

  • The Claim flow: For creating, documenting and managing claims, with upload options and tools to facilitate the assessment of the claim;

  • The Payment Proposal flow: For creating and scheduling payments. A payment can be configured anytime after the FNOL is initiated;

  • Rejection, Journal & Third Party Details: Pages for adding supplementary information and managing the related documents and third party details, if applicable.

An illustration of the Claims Management process is given below: