Personal Data Step
The client's personal details are gathered in this step.
The Personal Data step presents the following fields:
Field | Description |
QuoteLife No | The quote number displayed in the following format: XYZQuoteXXXXXX, incremented from right to left. |
Term Life Cover Basis | Option set field, with the possible values as Single, Joint or Multiple. |
Policyholder is the same as the insured person? | Option set field, with the possible values as Yes or No. |
You must choose a value for each of the mandatory fields in order to continue with the process.
Below, an example of the insert form for the Personal Data step:
Term Life Cover Basis
For the Term Life Cover basis field, you must choose one of the following drop down values: 1 (Single), 2 (Joint), 3 (Multiple).
Policyholder Is the Same as the Insured Person?
You need to answer to the following question Policyholder is the same as the insured person?, with either Yes or No, from the drop down values.
If you choose yes, you must enter the customer's PIN in the Policyholder & Insured Person section, and press the Search button.
If it is a new customer and no data in the Applicant Data entity can be found, the following message is displayed: "PIN not found. Please enter customer data".
If it is an existing customer, the following message is displayed: ‘'Existing PIN. Please update customer data, if needed’'. The fields are populated with the existing data from the system.
The following fields are displayed to be filled in.
Field | Description |
Date of Birth | The customer's birth date. Based on the selected date, the system calculates the age of the policyholder and insured. Both the policyholder and the insured's age must be between 18 and 64 years, otherwise, the system displays an error message, and the you need to select another value. |
First Name | The customer's first name. |
Last Name | The customer's last name. |
Salutation | The name title of the customer. The possible values in the drop down are Mr, Mrs, Ms, Sir, Lady, Rev. The default value is none. |
Gender | The possible values in the drop down are male, female, and the default none. |
Marital Status | The possible values in the drop down are married, single, co habiting, common law, divorced, separated, widows, and the default value is none. |
Address Line 1 | The customer's address. Mandatory field. |
Address Line 2 | Optional field, where you can input a second address for the customer. |
City / Town | The customer's city or town of residence. |
County | The customer's county of residence. |
Postcode | The customer's address' postcode. |
The customer's e-mail address. This field must follow the email format, otherwise the following message is displayed "The email address is not valid". | |
Mobile Number | The customer's mobile phone number. |
Have you used nicotine products in the last 12 months? | The drop down values are yes and no. |
System of measurement |
The drop down values are metric and imperial. If you choose metric, the height displays that it is measured in "cms" and the weight in "kg. If you choose imperial, the height displays that it is measured in "in", and the weight in "lb". |
Height | The customer's height. Whole number value field. |
Weight | The customer's weight. Whole number value field. |
Unit of Measurement | Read only field, holding the unit of measurement for the above. |
Occupation | The customer's occupation. You must choose a value from a list of existing occupations. |
When you fill in the height and weight fields with the accepted values, the body mass index (BMI) is calculated. This is calculated by dividing the weight to the height as kg/m^2. If you input imperial values, the system converts them to metric, in order to calculate the BMI. The result is not displayed in the interface.
If the BMI is below 18.5 or greater than 24.9, the following message is displayed: "This application will require medical underwriting".
This is a configurable parameter.
Below, an example of personal data insert form, with some details filled in:
In regards to the Occupation field, each of the values in the list have a corresponding occupational class code for each coverage. The possible codes are:
Code | Description |
A | Acceptable - For this code, the system does not take any action. It is a standard case, the classic rates apply, no message regarding the occupation is displayed. |
IC | Life cover - when you select this kind of occupation for the insured, in the Personal Data step, the following info message is displayed immediately after choosing the occupation: "Because of the declared occupation, this application will require underwriting.". This message appears as a pop-up, with an OK button. Riders - when you select the Critical Illness riders, in the Quotation step, the following info message is displayed for each selected problematic rider: "Because of the declared occupation, this application will require underwriting.". This message appears as a pop-up, with an OK button. |
EO | Life cover – when you select this kind of occupation for the insured, in the Personal Data step, the following info message is displayed immediately after choosing the occupation: "If the event occurs as a result of the declared occupation, the Term Life benefit will not be paid.". This message appears as a pop-up, with an OK button. Riders – when you select the Critical Illness rider, in the Quotation step, the following info message is displayed after each selected problematic rider: "If the event occurs as a result of the declared occupation, the Critical Illness benefit will not be paid.". This message appears as a pop-up, with an OK button. |
EP | Life cover – after you click the Calculate button, in the Quotation step, the following info message is displayed: "Premium includes a 25% loading because of the declared occupation.". This message appears as a pop-up, with an OK button. The premium is increased by 25% and you can go further on the flow. |
U | Riders – when you select the Critical Illness rider, in the Quotation step, the following info message is displayed after each selected problematic rider: "Considering the selected occupation, we cannot provide coverage for Critical Illness rider.". This message appears as a pop-up, with an OK button. The system automatically deselects the problematic rider. You can go on further with the flow. |
Each code triggers an action from the system, at a certain point in time, depending on the occupation and coverage chosen from the grid below:
Occupation | Life Cover (Term Life) | Rider (Critical Illness) |
Architect | A | A |
Bank Staff | A | A |
Builders Mate | A | A |
Building Site Manager | A | A |
Chartered Surveyor | A | A |
Chimney Sweep | A | A |
Civil Engineer | A | A |
Finance Broker | A | A |
Ambulance Crew | A | IC |
Diver/Instructor | IC | EO |
Fisherman | IC | EO |
Tree Feller | EP | EO |
Royal Military Police Officer | EO | U |
Three action buttons are displayed at the bottom of the page.
Previous: When clicked, the application takes you to the previous Client Consent screen. The system notifies you if changes were made and asks the if you want the data to be saved, through a pop-up message.
Next: When clicked, the application takes the agent to the Quotation screen.
Quit: When clicked, a confirmation pop-up is displayed with the question: "Are you sure you want to quit?". If the you choose Yes, the quotation history list is displayed and the status of the quotation changes to closed.
Read more about the formulas that the solution uses in order to do the calculations for the Policy Term quotes, in the Term Life Quote & Apply Formulas page.