Insurance Product Factory 4.6.0

November 28th, 2022

With the 4.6.0 release of Insurance Product Factory, you can now configure the suspension period for a policy, when creating an insurance product. Policies with unpaid installments transition to the Suspended status. The Suspension Duration is the time frame between when the policy gains this status, and the moment it gets Cancelled, in case the client doesn't pay the due installment. You can choose either from the default 30 days, or, if needed, you can set up a different value for the suspension period.

This is part of the FintechOS 22.R3 release. Please check the main release notes for more information.

What's New

New Digital Asset Types

With the new release, the digital asset types are structured based on specific data types. For example, there are dedicated digital assets for the journey, and for the libraries and scripts.

Digital assets are exported as sealed, with dependency on the 22.1.4 version of FintechOS Platform, for compatibility reasons. This means that you cannot make any changes to assets on the environment in which they are deployed.

Configure Policy Suspension Period

When you create a new insurance product, you start defining the main information. Here, in the Business Process Configuration section, you can choose the Policy Suspension Duration as having the default value, or another value that you wish. Learn about defining the Policy Suspension Duration by accessing the Define the Insurance Product's Business Details page.