Server Automation Scripts and Libraries
Within Innovation Studio, there are bits of code that execute several actions, which embody a business need such as: filtering products, saving session storage, returning products and setting amounts or periods. On-demand automation scripts are available for being called from any object or context.
The client script library named FTOS_RWM_HeaderNavigation contains the code for the progress bar for the mobile view informing the user about the step they are at. It is called on form driven flows in Advanced section tab > After Events.
Server Automation Scripts
Name | Description | Script Type | Digital Asset |
FTOS_BARET_AddMortgageAddress |
Based on the Input: var Output: var |
On demand | RWM-SDK |
FTOS_BARET_AddMortgageSpending |
This script gets the details of the loan and updates the values in the database. Input: var Output: var |
On demand | RWM-SDK |
FTOS_BARET_CheckAvailableMortgageCoApplicants |
This script gets the maximum number of applicants set in the Defaults and determines whether the number of existing applicants is smaller than the maximum. Input: let Output: void |
On demand | RWM-SDK |
FTOS_BARET_GenerateMortgageLoanDocuments |
This script generates the loan documents. Input: var Output: boolean |
On demand | RWM-SDK |
FTOS_BARET_GetCityIdByName |
This script gets the name of the city. Input: var Output: boolean |
On demand | RWM-SDK |
FTOS_BARET_GetCountryIdByName |
This script gets the name of the country. Input: var Output: boolean |
On demand | RWM-SDK |
FTOS_BARET_GetMorgageLoanIdbyRetail |
This script gets the Input: var Output: var |
On demand | RWM-SDK |
FTOS_BARET_GetMortgageApplicantsFullData |
This script gets the data regarding the main borrower and the income, addresses and spendings. Input: var Output: void |
On demand | RWM-SDK |
FTOS_BARET_GetMortgageProductsBoundaries |
This script gets the minimum and maximum periods and amounts for the banking products and other banking products details (interests and product destination). It is used for the form driven flow FTOS_BARET_ConfigureDIP. Input: var Output: boolean |
On demand | RWM-SDK |
FTOS_BARET_GetRankedProductsMortgage |
This script determiners the mortgage products in a specific order. Input: var Output: any [] |
On demand | RWM-SDK |
FTOS_BARET_GetRetailMortgageAddresses |
This script gets the details of the borrower's address. Input: var Output: var |
On demand | RWM-SDK |
FTOS_BARET_GetRetailMortgageSpendings |
This script gets the details of the loan. Input: var Output: var |
On demand | RWM-SDK |
FTOS_BARET_GetZooplaProperties |
This script gets the details of the properties within Zoopla. Input: var Output: var |
On demand | RWM-SDK |
FTOS_BARET_MortgageApplicantsStatus |
This script gets the status of each applicant if the have completed their Applicants' Details. Input: var Output: boolean |
On demand | RWM-SDK |
FTOS_BARET_MortgageOffer |
This script gets the banking products to be offered to the customer. Input: var Output: boolean |
On demand | RWM-SDK |
FTOS_BARET_MortgageSendMailLoanDocuments |
This script sends the email with the email template Input: var Output: boolean |
On demand | RWM-SDK |
FTOS_BARET_RemoveMortgageAddress |
This script deletes an address. Input: var Output: void |
On demand | RWM-SDK |
FTOS_BARET_RemoveMortgageSpending |
This script deletes an expense that was added manually by an applicant. Input: var Output: void |
On demand | RWM-SDK |
FTOS_BARET_RetailMortgageLinkApplicantData |
This script updates the data in the Loan and Retail Applicant Data entities ( Input: var Output: |
On demand | RWM-SDK |
FTOS_BARET_SaveAvailableMortgageProducts |
This script is used to get all the banking products and determines which of those are applicable to the application (interest, instalment type, product destination selected) and calls the RetailMortgagePricingSchedule document to get the value of the interest. Input: var Output: the value of the interest |
On demand | RWM-SDK |
FTOS_BARET_SaveMortgagePricing |
This script gets the details about all of the offers (products you are eligibile for, the maximum offer we can give you) and updates the offer data , and then searches for the document for that banking product. Input: var Output: boolean |
On demand | RWM-SDK |
FTOS_BARET_UpdateProductSelection |
This script updates the data in the Loan entity. Input: n/a Output: |
On demand | RWM-SDK |
FTOS_BNKAP_AddRelatedRetailApplicant |
This script inserts the co-applicant data in the RetailApplicantRelation entity. Input: var Output: var |
On demand | RWM-SDK |
FTOS_BNKAP_DeleteAllIncomesByApplicant |
This script deletes all the income sources for an applicant from the RetailIncomeData entity. Input: var Output: delete incomes |
On demand | RWM-SDK |
FTOS_BNKAP_DeleteRetailApplicantRelation |
This script deletes all the data of the co-borrower from the RetailApplicantRelation & RetailApplicantAddress & RetailIncomeData & RetailLoansData entities. Input: var Output: deletes the data of the co-applicant |
On demand | RWM-SDK |
FTOS_BNKAP_FinancialAnalysis |
This script triggers all the business formulas and determines their result. Input: var let Output: boolean |
On demand | RWM-SDK |
FTOS_BNKAP_GetMortgageLocations |
This script gets the location, text, address and open hours depending on the city. Input: var Output: var |
On demand | RWM-SDK |
FTOS_BNKAP_MortageSaveIncome |
This script updates the currency for the income. Input: var Output: update the in |
On demand | RWM-SDK |
FTOS_BNKAP_MortgageAddSalaryIncome |
This script inserts the income in the RetailIncomeData entity. Input: var Output: boolean |
On demand | RWM-SDK |
FTOS_BNKAP_MortgageDeleteIncome |
This script deletes the income of an applicant. Input: var Output: void |
On demand | RWM-SDK |
FTOS_BNKAP_MortgageGetAllIncomes |
This script gets the income and the currency for it. Input: var Output: var |
On demand | RWM-SDK |
FTOS_RWM_CheckForEndpoint |
This script verifies the endpoint. Input: var Output: var |
On demand | RWM-SDK |
FTOS_BNKAP_GetPurposes |
This script gets the destinations of the banking products. Input: var Output: boolean |
On demand | BAN-SDK |
FTOS_B2C_SaveSession |
This script saves the session storage. Input: n/a Output: string |
On demand | BAN-SDK |
In addition to the RWM_SDK digital asset, there is the asset BAN-SDK that contains endpoints generically used in all types of digital journeys, not only in DIP for Mortgage.
For details, see Server SDK Reference Guide.