Configure Cards

In this section,you can configure the cards that are displayed in the interface, in an insurance Quote&Bind digital application, after the customer answers the DNT questionnaire. These are added to specific insurance persona, which is configured in the Q&B Configurator > Insurance Persona section.

  1. Log in to Innovation Studio.

  2. Navigate to Product Factory > Proposal Configurator > Cards.

  3. The Card List screen is displayed.

  4. Click the Insert button on the top right to insert a new card.

  5. In the Card tab, fill out the following fields.

    Field Description

    Effective Date

    The date when the specific card version is available in the system. You can choose a date which is greater or equal to the current date. The date cannot be greater than the end date of the insurance product.

    Name The name set for the configured card.
    Insurance Type Choose the type of insurance from the option set. The insurance type needs to be pre-configured as per the steps detailed in the Insurance Product Factory guide.

    Card Type

    Drop down to choose the card type. The possible values are Single Product and Multi Product.


    Drop down to choose the product for the card.

    Display Name The card name to be displayed in the user interface, in the Quote&Bind offer cards.
    Code Assign a code for the card in order to make it easily recognizable.
    Technical Description Specific area for the technical description.
    Description Free text field to input a description for the created card. This is displayed in the Quote&Bind offer cards.

  6. Click the Save and Reload button on the top right corner.

  7. The record is saved, and now the card is in Draft status, as shown in the top left corner. After the card is configured, the next status can be manually chosen as Approved or Unapproved.

  8. To create a new version for the card, after the card is set in the Approved status, click the New Version button on the top right corner.

  9. View the versioning history of the card by accessing the History tab.

If the Effective Date is further than the current date, the card passes to the Pending status, and becomes Approved when reaching the Effective Date.

If the Effective Date is equal to the current date, then the version of the card automatically passes to the Approved status.

The FTOS_IP_Approve_PendingCards job is used to approve the cards based on the Effective Date. Read more by accessing the Scheduled Jobs page.


After you have saved the version of the card, in the Card section, the Card Dimensions, Insurance Persona Cards and Card Item Config sections are unfolded.

You can delete any of the cards by selecting one or more records and clicking the Delete button on the top right corner. In addition, the cards data can be exported into an .xsls file by selecting one or more records, and clicking the Export button on the top right corner.