Third-Party Invoices

Third-party invoices are the invoices that track the incomes and expenses resulted from contracts based on the bank or financial institution's agreements with third-party entities (agents, brokers, etc.) . Core Banking has a dedicated menu for managing third-party invoices. These third-party invoices are attached to agreements with third-party entities. You can create invoices manually, using the Invoice menu, or allow Core Banking to create the invoices automatically, using a dedicated scheduled job.

Third-Party Invoice Statuses

The four-eyes principle is applicable for status transitions of an invoice, meaning that a record should be approved by a second financial institution employee, with higher authorization rights. This is enabled via approval task High Productivity Fintech Infrastructure capabilities and thus it is also a financial institution's responsibility to set proper security roles and access rights to its users, in order to make sure that the same user can't insert and also authorize the same record.

A third-party invoice record has the following business workflow statuses:

  • Draft - the status of a newly created invoice record that was not yet sent for approval. While in this status, you can edit the fields from the record's Invoice and Invoice Details tabs, but no payments can be processed yet. Send the record to approval after editing all the necessary information and adding at least one invoice detail record.

  • Approved - the status of an invoice record after being authorized by a user with approval competencies. While in this status, you cannot edit the record's details. If you need to alter the record's details, change its status back to Draft.

  • Not Paid - the status of an invoice record after approval and before actually performing the bank account transactions for the due payments.

  • Paid - the last status of an invoice record after performing the bank account transactions for the due payments. No other transitions are allowed from this status.

  • Canceled - the last status of a record after manually canceling it straight from the Draft status. No updates are allowed on the record. No other transitions are allowed from this status.

Changing Third-Party Invoice Statuses

You can manage a third-party invoice's life-cycle by changing its status from the top left corner of the screen.

The third-party invoice status transitions are illustrated below:

Managing Invoices For Third-Parties

To manage third-party invoices:

  1. Log into FintechOS Portal.

  2. Click the main menu icon at the top left corner.

  3. In the main menu, expand the Core Banking Operational menu.

  4. Click the Invoice menu item to open the Invoices page.

 On the Invoices page, you can:

Core Banking can also create the invoices automatically, using the TPM Invoices (TPM) scheduled job. This job runs once each night and creates third-party invoices and payments, for the combination of third-party entity/ agreements currency, during the validity of the agreement, on the Payment Day of each agreement, as defined in the third-party agreement's Payment Periodicity (daily, monthly, or weekly)
  • Edit an invoice in Draft status by double-clicking it.
  • Delete a Draft invoice by selecting it and clicking the Delete button at the top right corner of the page. You can't delete invoices already used by other records.
  • Search for a specific record by filling in any or all of the column headers of the displayed agreements records list.

Users with the associated role of Loan Admin Officer or Retail Credit Officer can insert, update, or delete third-party invoice records. Users with the other associated Core Banking security roles can only view such records.
You can also add an invoice to the third-party agreement directly from the Agreement page, following the instructions detailed here.

Automatic Invoice Payments

Core Banking identifies the invoices that are not paid on the day of payment specified in the agreement, using the Charge Not Paid Invoices service within the TPM Invoices (TPM) scheduled job. The system can automatically generate and process the payments for the invoices. The method of operating these payments depends on the setting of the ThirdPartyPaymentIsNet system parameter. The value of the parameter specifies whether Core Banking should generate one or two bank account transactions and payments for a third-party agreement invoice when the invoice's status is changed from Approved to Unpaid.

Depending on the Third Party Invoice transaction type's Real Time Process field's value, the transactions made on bank accounts are processed in real-time, when the transaction is approved, or at a later time, after being placed in a queue and taken for processing by a specialized scheduled job.

After creating the payment records, Core Banking displays them for each invoice in the Invoice page's Payments section:

Each payment record in the list displays information about the payment number, payer bank account name, transaction date, currency, payment amount, allocated amount, remaining payment amount, total payment amount, and status.

In the Payments section, you can:

  • Search for a specific record by filling in any or all the column headers of the displayed records list.

  • Open a specific a payment from the list by double-clicking it. The payment record itself can only be viewed, and not edited.

  • Delete a payment in Draft status by selecting it and clicking the Delete button at the top right corner. Any payment with a status different than Draft cannot be deleted.

You cannot edit any of the fields of a payment.