Contract Events

Contract events are transactions/ changes performed at the contract level. Such events are disbursements, early repayments, transfers of funds between the customer's accounts, and so on.

In a contract based on a specific banking product, you can only add events with the transaction types predefined at that banking product level. Other changes may be performed by versioning the contract. This page covers those changes enabled via events, created via the Insert button above the Transactions section in the Contract > Payments tab.

Only contracts with Approved status allow you to perform transactions.

The transactions must be previously defined and associated with the banking product in the Banking Product page > Associated Transactions tab.

Only events with Approved status operate changes at the contract level.

Event Statuses

An event record has the following statuses, visible in the top left corner of the Event page:

  • Draft - the status of a newly created event record that was not yet sent for approval. The event value is not applied to the contract while the event is still in this status. While in this status, you can edit some fields. Approve after editing all the necessary details.

  • Approved - the status of an event record after being authorized. The event value is applied to the contract and you cannot edit any of the event's details. There is no further transition from this status.

  • Canceled - the status of an event record after being canceled. The event value is not applied to the contract and you cannot edit any of the event's details. There is no further transition from this status.

As a best practice, new records or new versions of existing records created on a specific day should be approved on the same day.

Adding Events To Approved Contracts

In order to add events to a contract, follow these steps:

  1. In FintechOS Portal, on the Contracts List page, select a contract with Approved status.

  2. Double-click the contract to open it for editing.

  3. Navigate to the contract's Payments tab.

  4. Click the Insert button above the Transactions section. The Event page is displayed.

    You can also add events through API calls, using the Core Banking endpoints. Read more about these endpoints in the Core Banking Developer Guide.
  5. Fill in the following fields, common to every transaction type, noting that the fields that are not mandatory, are read-only:

  6. Field Mandatory Data Type Details
    Contract No Lookup Automatically completed with the selected contract's number. You cannot edit this field.
    Customer No Lookup Automatically completed with the selected contract's customer. You cannot edit this field.
    Currency No Lookup Automatically completed with the selected contract's currency. You cannot edit this field.
    Event Date No Invariant Date Automatically completed with the Core Banking system's current date. You cannot edit this field.
    Transaction Type Yes Lookup

    Select from the list the transaction type. Only the transaction types associated with the banking product which is at the base of the contract are displayed.
    Read here more information about transaction types.

    Depending on the selected transaction type, a series of new fields are displayed that require to be filled in.
  7. Click the Save and Reload button at the top right corner of the page.
    The event is saved in Draft status and a transaction number is automatically generated for it. The Edit Contract Event page corresponding to the selected transaction type is displayed. A series of value fields are automatically calculated and their values are displayed.

  8. Depending on the selected transaction type, fill in the following fields, noting that the fields that are not mandatory, are read-only:

  9. Click the Save and Reload button at the top right corner of the page.
    If the event value meets the business requirements defined within Core Banking, the event is saved. Otherwise, an error message appears. Change the values as instructed in the message and try saving the event again.

    While the event is in Draft status, all the event's fields except Transaction Type can be modified. The event value is not applied to the contract while the event is still in this status.

  10. NOTE  
    Depending on the selected transaction type, new sections are displayed at the bottom of the page, containing the contract repayment schedule for the event and any generated notifications.
    Click the Calculate/ Simulate repayment schedule / Simulate reschedule overdues buttons (the displayed button depends on the selected transaction type) to view the details of each installment. If the Import Schedule checkbox is selected, the Calculate button is not displayed. If the Import Schedule checkbox is unselected, then the repayment schedule is recalculated using the standard Core Banking logic.
    For Reschedule Overdue transaction type, select from the list the overdue payment notifications that you wish to reschedule.

  11. Approve the event by changing its status to Approved in the upper left corner of the Event page.

  1. Confirm the change of status in the Confirmation window, clicking Yes. The event is now in Approved status.

    The event value is now applied and visible in the contract's Payments tab -> Transactions section.

All existing versions of the contract in Contract Version Draft status are automatically changed to Contract Version Closed when a payment event is approved for that contract.
Contract events added through API calls also contain an External Identifier, displayed in the header of the event, next to the Transaction Number.