Main Info

The Main Info tab has two sections:

  • General Data - This section lets you introduce the product's main characteristics, those which are most visible to the final customer.

  • Business Process Configuration - This section lets you configure the policy coverage, policy administration, the scheduling of payments and billing, the management of claims, the tariff type, and more.

A Draft product is always editable. So, when you save your product as Draft, you can come back to edit it, as many times as needed. Once a product is active - namely, the product is in Approved business status, you must create a new version of it, in order for the product to become editable. After editing, you must manually approve the new product version. For details about adding a new version to your product, go to the Product Operations section, on the Managing Insurance Products page.

Understanding default vs specific settings, when configuring products:
A default setting uses the default values from the Insurance Parameter set up in your Portal > Settings > Insurance parameters. A specific setting uses values which differ from the default ones - values that you only configure for that specific field, section, or product.
Continue to the Product Coverages tab.