
One or more security roles can be associated at user level, enabling a simple process for promoting or revoking rights. You can grant access to the platform to both users within your organization and to persons outside your organization who use company data to make decisions (external users).

Users have access to the platform functionality based on the security role assignment. By default, all users are able to view and manage their account data in the My Account section.

NOTE  Only users with elevated privileges (admin account) can manage users.

In FintechOS, user type is a grouping for the users based on platform high level access (to not be confused with system roles).

The platform distinguishes three user types:

User Type


Back Office The user type that all users have when created. It does not have a special access scope, it is just a category.
Guest It is just a category, it does not have any special platform access meaning. It has only a validation, there can’t be two users with this type.
DNN Portal Used in implementation if there is a DNN Portal created that gets data data form FintechOS.