External Request Processing

To improve the platform's overall performance through parallel processing, Distribution Management sends the requests generated for processing outside of the platform, instead of being processed within the platform, through JobServer. Thus, Distribution Management processes the requests in a parallel asynchronous way, through Async Engine.

Configuring the Async Engine

The configuration for Distribution Management-Async Engine is as follows:

  1. The GenerateInvoiceDetailsFlowName, GenerateInvoicesFlowName and PayInvoicesFlowName Distribution Management system parameters must be used when a request for the specific flow is triggered.

  2. The Async Engine web API client library has to be loaded on the platform using the Async Engine swagger file.

  3. The Vault settings for the Studio, Portal, and JobServer components must contain a key named AsyncEngineURL_DistributionManagement with the value of the Async Engine's URL.

Read the following section for more detailed information:

Managing Unprocessed Requests

If a request is not processed by the Async Engine regardless of the reason, you can view a message in the dedicated DLQ dashboard in your FintechOS Portal. For accessing the dashboard, perform the needed configurations during the implementation. Send the request for reprocessing by the Async Engine from the same dashboard, simply clicking a button next to that message.