Data Audit

The forth pillar of FintechOS Platform security, logging, provides you with comprehensive audit trail of what happened at any given time and who performed the action.

The logging configuration is specified within the web.config file. The platform uses the log.NET component for logging and it generates a trace_roll.log file and multiple trace_roll.dd-mm-yyyy.n.log files. The log files are saved in the web directory.

NOTE  FintechOS API logs and FintechOS LOGS are kept in different audit tables.

Entity Audit

FintechOS Platform has an extensive audit functionality that can be enabled for any entity, allowing change tracking at entity level.

Using the FintechOS Studio, users can activate the auditing feature for a specific entity, by selecting the Is Audited checkbox.  When auditing is enabled, the platform creates and maintains a system entity named {entityName}_ADT where all changes to the initial entity are recorded including: the type of changes on the entity, when the changes have been made and by whom.

When the user navigates to the list view of an entity with audit enabled the History button will be available on the toolbar.

Clicking the History button will open the History List view which lists all the changes associated to the current entity instance (the associated ADT entity).

When navigating to the detail view for an audited entity, the History button will open a list with all the changes associated to the current entity instance.

To programmatically navigate to the audit logs use the commands below:

To get all audit logs for the specified entity (where, the ID is the entity ID):



To get audit logs for the specified operation:



To get audit logs for two specific operations:



The data audit is independent of entity records (when the Audit enabled checkbox is selected on entity). An unique identifier (UID) is automatically added by the system to records. When users delete records, based on the UID, the action is logged into the audit trail.

The History List view which lists all the changes associated to the current entity instance (the associated ADT entity) has a new column, Unique Identifier (UID).

If the user deletes an income of a customer. the action is logged into {entityName}_ADT. The user can consult anytime the History List page on that customer entity and see that the income has been has been deleted, when and by whom.

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