Agent Details Step

In order to launch the quotation flow, you (the agent) must follow the steps below:

  1. Log into the FintechOS Portal.

  2. From the menu, click Quote > Quote life, access the application that contains the insurance quotation based on the customer's needs.

  3. Click the Insert button, and the Agent Details step is displayed. The fields in this screen are not editable, as they are pre-filled.

    • Name: The entire name of the agent, concatenated, from the Agent entity (firstName + lastName - text type);

    • Email: The email of the agent from the Agent entity (email - type text);

    • Reference number: The agent code from the Agent entity (agentCode - type text).

  4. Click the Next button to advance to the Client Consent step.

  5. Alternatively, click the Back button to go to the New Life Quote page.