Installing Core Policy Admin

Follow the guidelines below to install and configure Core Policy Admin 3.4.0.

NOTE  If you already have the previous version of Core Policy Admin installed on your environment, follow the instructions from the Upgrade section.


Before installing Core Policy Admin 3.4.0, make sure to install the following:

  • HPFI v22.1.1.0

  • SySDigitalSolutionPackages

  • Core Insurance Master v2.4.0

Installation Steps

  1. Unzip your Core Policy Admin archive file.

  2. Create a folder and name it 01 DeploymentPackages.

  3. Copy the DigitalAsset folder (if it exists) and DigitalSolution file (extracted at step 1) inside the 01 DeploymentPackages folder.

  4. Locate the FtosSysPkgDeployer folder in the FintechOS installation kit (the path is <unzipped_install_archive>\Tools\FtosSysPkgDeployer). You need it to install the SySDigitalSolutionPackages.

  5. Select and copy the FtosSysPkgDeployer folder.

  6. Create the install_Syspack.bat file needed for installation.

  7. Add the following script in the file and save it next to the FtosSysPkgDeployer folder.

    CD /D %~dp0
    "%~dp0\FtosSysPkgDeployer\FtosSysPkgDeployer.exe" -i -a -s "StudioLink" -u AdminStudioUser -p user_password -z DataBaseServer -v DB_user -k DB_user_password -d "TheNameOfTheDataBase" -r "%~dp0\01 DeploymentPackages\*.zip"
  8. Run the async install_SyspackDA.bat script by double-clicking on it.

  9. Follow the steps above to import and install the Core Policy Admin Import v3.4.0.

  10. After installing, run the SQL scripts from the Core Policy Admin Import folder.


If you already have the Core Policy Admin v3.3.0 package installed, upgrade to v3.4.0 by performing the below steps:

  1. Check if near the 01 Deployment Packages folder the Upgrade folder exists.

  2. Run the SQL scripts located in the Upgrade folder.

  3. Perform the installation steps above, steps 1-8, to install Core Policy Admin v3.4.0.

  4. Perform the same to install Core Policy Admin Import Upgrade v3.4.0.

  5. After installing the Core Policy Admin Import Upgrade v3.4.0, perform the post-installation setup listed below.

Post-Installation Setup

After installing, perform the following configurations:

  1. Check the system parameter by going into Innovation Studio and setting the context to Core Insurance Master Digital Asset as described here.

  2. Go to Main Menu > Admin > System Parameters, search PolicyAdminUsed parameter and open it for edit. Set the value to 1.

    • Enable the PolicyAdminUsed parameter to be able to enable Policy admin automatic transitions.
    • Core Policy Admin Import v3.4.0 is mandatory to be imported after Core Policy Admin v3.4.0 otherwise the policy automatic transitions might not work as expected.
  4. Add Vault keys:

    For Portal app-settings:

    "baseUrlApi": "PORTALAPI_URL "> //URL of the portal site using EBSDefaultAuthentication = EB
    "clientApi": "yourClient",
    "userApi": "yourUserName",
    "passwordApi": "youUserPass",
    "SMTP:Port": "***",> //Your SMTP port<
    "SMTP:Host": "***",> //Your SMTP host<
    "SMTP:EnableSSL": "0",
    "SMTP:User": "",> //Your SMTP user< 
    "SMTP:Password": "",> //Your SMTP password<
    "DefaultFromEmail": ""> //Your SMTP default from email address<

    For Innovation Studio app-settings:

    "SMTP:Port": "***",

    For Job Server app-settings:

    "UploadFolder": "yourPath:\Sites\UploadEBS",
    "AttachmentPath": "yourPath:\Sites\UploadEBS",
    "FileUploadWhiteList": ".pdf,.doc,.docx,.els,.jpg,.jpeg,.xlsx,.dll,.ppt,.pptx,.txt,.png,.ttf,.xml",
    "baseUrlApi": "PORTALAPI_URL *",
    "clientApi": "yourClient",
    "userApi": "yourUserName",
    "passwordApi": "youUserPass",
    "SMTP:Port": "***",
    "SMTP:Host": "***",
    "SMTP:EnableSSL": "0",
    "SMTP:User": "***",
    "SMTP:Password": "***",
    "DefaultFromEmail": "***",
    // *  URL of the portal site using EBSDefaultAuthentication = EBS
    // *** = your SMTP information
IMPORTANT!  The UploadFolder and AttachmentPath keys are not needed for a job server installed as an web app. Instead, use the standard configuration steps to allow the job server access to the blob storage used by the other sites (to the same UploadEBS folder).