
The Core Policy Admin solution, as the name suggests, provides capabilities to support an Insurer in its back office policy administration for the usual life cycle of a contract after its issuance. In this respect we are talking about, including but not limiting to, altering a policy in order to adjust the insurance contract to a client's need, manage renewals and multi-object/person contracts, policy lapse and cancellation.

The module encompasses the registration of permitted policy alterations, such as an upgrade or downgrade in covered benefits, whilst automatically identifying and communicating the requirements and evidence necessary to recalculate premium and complete the alteration. Evidence and document requirements gathering is orchestrated by FintechOS and assisted by Automation Processors.

Business experts directly involved in the process can use Core Policy Admin module to refine and deploy digital journeys so that they cover the requirements of legacy, current and planned products in an order that meets the identified priorities of their business.

The Core Policy Admin module covers the following typical events:

  • Mid term adjustments;

  • Benefit additions or increases;

  • Removal or reduction of benefits;

  • Automatic premium/benefit escalations;

  • Premium collection alterations leveraging FintechOS Premium Billing;

  • Notifications to clients;

  • Collation and calculation of all policy benefits relevant to the alteration event;

  • Ongoing management of the alteration, enabling the definition and request of further requirements and evidence as it evolves and progresses;

  • Orchestrating the involvement of:

    • Third parties – Re-insurers, service providers, medical agencies;

    • Other systems of the insurer within the business architecture, such as calculation engines, expert underwriting, re-insurance solutions, fraud and finance;

    • Users, senior underwriters, senior managers and others as required by the specific case;

  • All communications and status changes during the process;

  • Generation of downstream activities such as ongoing premium payment schedules, generation of new commissions and fees.

This guide concentrates on use of Innovation Studio in the configuration of a digital journey, that will incorporate FintechOS Automation Processors and highlight the opportunities which exist to greatly improve efficiency, Policy Administration automation, audit and management capabilities and speed time to completion of administrative tasks.

HINT  Integrate Core Policy Admin with more Lighthouse solutions for insurance in order to make the best of process automation for your company, portfolios, products and clients!