
Follow the guidelines below to import and configure the Core Policy Admin module.

NOTE In order to help you navigate easily between the installation steps, the images supporting this guide were allowed to include some parts of the screen background. However, note that your screen might have a different background color, since this is a customizable feature of the FintechOS Platform. Still, the menu items are the same. And they are what you would be looking for and clicking on when you perform the installation.

1 Prerequisites

Platform version compatibility: FintechOS Platform v21.1.5.0 and above.

Dependencies: Standard or Professional Insurance Syspack v21.1.1004 or higher.

Insurance Apps Dependencies: Insurance Product Factory v21.1.6_20, Proposal Configurator v1.0 and Core Insurance Master v1.0 - installed in this exact order.

Packages Installation Order

If you already have a Policy Admin Import asset installed on your environment, you need to apply the appropriate upgrade asset so start by checking if there is any upgrade listed for your solution before applying this package.

2 Import Packages

Package description:

  • Core Policy Admin v2.0 - Data package for managing policies.

  • Policy Admin Import v2.0 - Data import configuration package for roles and insurance parameters.

IMPORTANT! Make sure that the Policy Admin Import v2.0 is imported after the Core Policy Admin v2.0 package, otherwise the policy automatic transitions won’t work as expected.

3 Installation

The following is the standard procedure for how to import a digital asset:

Go to Innovation Studio and log in with Developer credentials.

Navigate to the DevOps menu entry. From the dropdown, click on Deployment Package to open the Deployment Package List page. On the top right-hand side corner, click the Import deployment package icon.

DevOps Menu - for import

The local File Explorer window opens. Select from the local drive the file to be imported. Pay attention to the order of importing the chosen package, as stated in the Import Packages section and the Prerequisites section.

Select Package

After selection, a new form is launched showing the contents of the package and asking if you want to import those. Check the list and click Continue Import if you are satisfied.

Package Integrity Validations

A pop-up asking you to confirm that you want to import appears. Click Yes to continue. After this confirmation, another window opens where you indicate the Project name. Either give a new name for your import or select the name of a previous import project, from the helper dropdown. You might want to select the same name for the project that you use to import all the packages of the Insurance suite, as enumerated in the Prerequisites section. Confirm the Project Name selection and click Import to start the job.

Confirm, SetName And Log

After the import is finished, you can see the success message and the Deployment Package Log window which allows you to see into the details of the import project.

4 After installment configurations

4.1 Enable System Parameter

Proceed to enable the PolicyAdminUsed system parameter as described below:

Go to Studio and log in with Developer or Release Manager credentials.

Navigate to the DevOps menu entry. From the dropdown, click on Deployment Package to open the Deployment Package List page. From the list, select the Core Insurance Master Digital Asset and double click to open the Digital Asset Form. Inside the form, go to the General tab and click Set as context digital asset. This way, you allow the Core Insurance Master to manage the policy flows stored by the Core Policy Admin module.

Set CoreMaster As Context For Your App

After this step, go back to the main menu and navigate to the Admin menu entry. From the dropdown, click on System Parameters to open the System Parameters List.

Find System Parameters

Depending on the number of views set on the list, it is possible that you don't see the PolicyAdminUsed parameter. Inside the list, use the Search by Name option to search the PolicyAdminUsed parameter and and double click to open it for edit. Inside the Edit System Parameter form, set the value to 1, then click Save and close, at the top right corner of your screen.

Change SysParam Value

IMPORTANT! The Core Policy Admin automatic transitions won’t be enabled if you don’t enable the PolicyAdminUsed parameter.

4.2 Approve Insurance Parameters

Go to Portal and log in with Developer or Release Manager credentials.

On the left side of the screen, open the main menu. From the dropdown, choose Settings and click to open it. Got to Insurance Parameters and click to open.

From the Insurance Parameters List , select a parameter and double click to open it for editing.

After the Parameter window opens, from top left corner of your screen, change parameter status from Draft to Approved.

Approve Insurance Parameters

Repeat this procedure for all the Insurance Parameters in Draft status.

IMPORTANT! You must approve all Insurance Parameters otherwise they won’t be considered in automatic Core Policy Admin transitions.