SEPA Direct Debit

This functionality handles the direct debit payment operations for SEPA area.

SEPA refers to the Single Euro Payments Area - a payment scheme which facilitates cashless payments (bank transfers via credit transfer and direct debit) anywhere inside the European Union.

Below are the journeys, entities, libraries and scripts related to this functionality:

Digital Journeys

On Demand Server Automation Scripts

Business Workflow Configuration Actions

FTOS_PYMT_DirectDebitMandate is the master business workflow that handles the different types of changes affecting a direct debit mandate during its lifetime. For more details about the mandate behavior, its states and the business workflow diagram consult the Direct Debit page.

Transition Description
_Proposal Initial state.
Active_Cancelled When the system registers a notification about the mandate cancellation.
Active_Expired When the mandate reaches its end day. The expiration triggers the automatic change of the payment type on the policy, from Direct Debit to Bank Transfer (OP).
Active_VersionClosed When a version of the mandate is closed. Used for mandate versioning.
Approved_Active When the mandate reaches its start day.
Approved_Draft When a change of the policy payment type from Bank Transfer (OP) into Direct Debit is performed on a policy.
Approved_Expired When the number of days for the activation of a mandate were exhausted.
Draft_Active When the mandate reaches its start day.
This transition is triggered automatically by a specific job that verifies if the current date is the mandate begin date and changes the status to Active for all eligible mandates.
Draft_Cancelled When the system registers a notification about the mandate cancellation.
Draft_Expired When the number of days for the activation of a mandate were exhausted. The expiration triggers the automatic change of the payment type on the policy, from Direct Debit to Bank Transfer (OP).
Draft_Pending After the instruction file for the mandate's activation is generated, and the mandate is pending approval from the bank.
Draft_VersionDraft When the mandate versioning process starts.
Pending_Active When the mandate reaches its start day.
Pending_Cancelled When the system registers a notification about canceling the mandate, or a user manually cancels the mandate.
Proposal_Active When the mandate reaches its start day.
Proposal_Draft When the mandate is registered in the system but it is not activated yet, or its begin date is yet to come.
Proposal_Expired When the number of days for the activation of a draft mandate were exhausted.
VersionDraft_Approved When a version of the mandate is approved. Used for mandate versioning.
VersionDraft_VersionUnapproved When the opened version is not approved. Used for mandate versioning.
To check out this business workflow open the Innovation Studio and go to Fintech Automation >> Business Workflow Designer. For more details, consult also the Business Workflow Design documentation.



This endpoint calls the FTOS_PYMT_DirectDebitMandate_cancelMandate script to change the mandate business status into Cancelled, when clicking the Cancel Mandate button.


The FTOS_PYMT_DIDEProcessor is used for setting the following parameters:


FTOS_PYMT_DIDE sequencer

This sequencer is used to set the Order Number value used for generating DIDE instruction files.

  • Range Min = 1

  • Range Max = 999,999,999

Server Side Script Libraries

Scheduled Jobs