Organizational Chart
Agency Management gives you the ability to visualize the Set Up in a form of an organizational chart, in order to have a better view regarding it.
Log into the FintechOS Portal.
From the menu, click on Agency > Organizational Chart.
- The OrgChart section is displayed. Here, all the created entities can be visualized in real time.
The following are the chart properties:
If there are no created entities, the following message is displayed: "No records found.".
The entities are displayed from top to bottom, taking into consideration the Level, starting with Level 0, if it exists.
for each entity from the chart, the user will have the possibility to expand or narrow its children
If an entity does not have children, the possibility of expanding is not displayed.
When you enter the Organizational Chart submenu, the default display is as following: only the children of the first level in the Set Up are displayed, so only the first level is expanded. If the you want to see more from the Set Up, you must expand the next levels
For each entity, a box is displayed, containing:
The name of the entity;
The entity type;
The number of its children, if there are any.
For each Level of the Set Up, in the right part of the chart, Level X is displayed, where X represents the number of the Level:
If the Set Up starts with a Network, the chart starts with Level 0.
If the Set Up starts with a Company, the chart also starts with Level 0, which is empty. Level 0 is displayed on the right part, and the Company is placed at Level 1