Task Management Endpoints
The below endpoints have been implemented to return the queue type Id, create, allocate queue items, and add the queue item to a queue.
Returns the Queue Type Id.
Call Example
var digitalJourneyName = 'ContractJourney';
var taskTypeId = ebs.getOptionSetItemIdByName("FTOS_CMB_TaskType", "Chaser");
var dataQueueType = {};
dataQueueType.digitalJourneyName = digitalJourneyName;
dataQueueType.taskTypeId = taskTypeId;
dataQueueType.mainEntityName = "FTOS_CB_ContractApplication";
var queueTypeIdReturned = null;
ebs.callActionByNameAsync('FTOS_CMB_GetQueueTypeId', dataQueueType).then(function (result) {
if (result.UIResult != null && result.UIResult.Data != null) {
queueTypeIdReturned = result.UIResult.Data;
Below is a list of the available parameters:
Parameter | Description |
digitalJourneyName | The name of the digital journey. |
taskTypeId | The option set Id of the Task Type (FTOS_CMB_TaskType). |
mainEntityName | The main entity name. |
The output is the queueTypeId.
Creates a queue item, adds the queue item to a queue and allocates the queue item to an operator.
Call Example
var endpointParams = {};
var endpointParams.extraIdentifications = {
retailApplicantDataId: "631def4a-c0ab-4c3f-9a23-f5ffc4488f13",
riskLogId: "2437faec-3f44-437d-a7d7-fcbdd0907d15"
var endpointParams.queueTypeId = 'e398ff08-9127-482d-b126-3758bb42b08d';
var endpointParams.recordId= '64f1c182-d329-4d94-892e-c3cf4556d186';
var endpointParams.uniqueId= '1313131313';
var endpointParams.blnIsReview = false;
var endpointParams.digitalProcessorTypeName = 'ComplianceFilters';
ebs.callActionByNameAsync("FTOS_CMB_TaskManagement_CreateAndAllocateQueueItem", endpointParams);
Below is a list of the available parameters:
Parameter | Description |
extraIdentifications |
An array of objects with the following attributes:
queueTypeId | The queue Type Id. |
recordId | The record Id. |
uniqueId | The unique Id. |
isReview | Possible values: True or False. |
digitalProcessorTypeName | The digital processor type name. |
operatorId | The Operator Id. |
operatorProfileId | The Operator Profile Id. |
dueDays | The number of days until the task is due. |
The output is the created queue item.
Adds the queue item to a queue, which means that the followings are updated: queueId
, description
and requiredCompetenceLevelId
Call Example
var endpointParams = {};
var endpointParams.queueTypeId = 'e398ff08-9127-482d-b126-3758bb42b08d';
var endpointParams.recordId= '64f1c182-d329-4d94-892e-c3cf4556d186';
var endpointParams.uniqueId= '1313131313';
var queueFilter= [];
var productTypeFilter = {};
productTypeFilter.name = "ProductType";
productTypeFilter.value = "MG";
var competenceLevelFilter= [];
var requestedLoanAmountFilter = {};
requestedLoanAmountFilter .name = "RequestedLoanAmount";
requestedLoanAmountFilter .value = "57000";
competenceLevelFilter.push(requestedLoanAmountFilter );
var endpointParams.JSON_filterQueue= queueFilter;
var endpointParams.JSON_filterCompetence= competenceLevelFilter;
ebs.callActionByNameAsync("FTOS_CMB_TaskManagement_AttachToQueue", endpointParams);
Below is a list of the available parameters:
Parameter | Description |
queueTypeId | The queue type Id. |
taskTypeId | The task type Id. |
recordId | The record Id. |
JSON_filterQueue | The JSON filter Queue. |
JSON_filterCompetence | The JSON filter Competence. |
uniqueId | The unique Id. |
No result as output, but the outcome of this function is that the queue item is added to a queue, which means that the following are updated: queueId, description
, and requiredCompetenceLevelId
Changes the business workflow status in Closed and sets up a value on the <QueueItem>Resolution field (Approved, Rejected or Additional Information). It is used on the Task Details page when clicking one of the following buttons: Approve, Reject or Additional Documents.
The FTOS_CMB_ChangeTaskStatusClosed endpoint is available in the Task Management package 4.1.
Call Example
let resolutionId = ebs.getOptionSetItemIdByName('FTOS_CMB_TaskManagementResolution', resolutionName); // resolutionName can be: 'approved or 'rejected or 'additionalInformation;
ebs.callActionByNameAsync('FTOS_CMB_ChangeTaskStatusClosed', { queueItemId: ebs.getCurrentEntityId(), resolutionId: resolutionId }).then(function (e) {
ebs.showMessage(e.UIResult.Data.message, 'success');
setTimeout(function () {
}, 3000);
Below is a list of the available parameters:
Parameter | Description |
queueItemId | ebs.getCurrentEntityId() |
resolutionId | The resolution Id. |
The output is the displayed message. For example: "Status changed to Closed with resolution Approved".