Configure DNT Questions

In this section, you can configure the DNT Questions that are further added in the DNT Questions grid when configuring the quote. These are then displayed in the application, and the offer is customized according to the customer's answer to the demands and needs test questionnaire.

  1. Go to Main Menu > Product Factory > Proposal Configurator > DNT Questions. The DNT questions are listed in this screen, DNT Questions List.

  2. Click Insert to add a new question. The following screen is displayed.

  3. Fill out the displayed fields:

    • Name: The DNT question name to be displayed in the Quote&Bind application;

    • Code: Assign a code to the DNT question;

    • Question Type: From the drop down, select the bool type of the question used in order to define the implied audiences;

    • Description: Free text field to input a description for the created question;

    • Technical Description: Input a technical description for the created question, if needed;

    • Tooltip: This field holds the description of the DNT Question from a customer point of view, that appears when the user hovers over the question.

  4. After following these steps, click Save and Close. The question is now available in the DNT Questions List screen.