Adding Payment Requests

Payment requests are automatically registered by your system - for example, when you use the Bank Statements functionality to upload your bank statement files or when you receive an API call, with the payment request details. Consequently, the Outgoing Payment Requests list view is continuously updated, helping you understand the requests for payment you received, in real time.

However, there are cases when you need to manually insert a new payment request. For example for a one-time payment that goes towards a consultancy company.

The payer's details (e.g. your company) can be auto-filled by the system. For this you have to configure a default Payer Name and IBAN, set in the processor FTOS_PYMT_OutgoingPayments_PayerDetails.

Take the below steps for adding a new payment request:

You can easily find your Draft payment request in the Outgoing Payment Requests List page, at a later date. If needed, use the Search by Status option to find your record.