Face Recognition

A facial recognition system is a technology capable of identifying or verifying a person from a digital image by comparing the given picture with one existing in the database.

The Face Recognition automation processor is using Machine Learning to compare ID/ Driving License or any other picture that was uploaded during the OCR process, with the selfie to certify that they belong to the same person, using the AI-enabled capabilities of the FintechOS platform.

To use the Face Recognition automation processor capabilities, the user should first use the Computer Vision automation processor to enable the clients uploading an identity document that will be used during the face recognition process.

The face recognition flow:

  1. The client takes a selfie.
  2. The FintechOS Gateway identifies the client's PID and sends a register Face Recognition request to the Face Recognition Service.
  3. Based on the PID received from the FintechOS Gateway, the Face Recognition Service compares the client's image file (selfie) with the image from the identity document the client uploaded during the OCR process.
  4. As a result of the comparison, the Face Recognition Service returns the confidence score of the face recognition comparison.

Once the Face Recognition is completed (i.e. the confidence score meets the minimum value set during the processor's configuration, see Face Recognition Mappings), you can provide the customers with various options:

• start a video call with one of the bank’s consultants (Video Streaming processor)

• sign directly all associated documents (eSign processor)

• choose to be contacted later by one of the bank’s consultants.

Face Recognition Processor Features

  • real-time image recognition
  • liveness detection to validate an individual’s identity

  • reduced bandwidth and time-to-decision
  • anti-spoofing mechanisms
  • increased privacy and reliability


  • Customer onboarding
  • Account opening
  • Loan applications
  • Compliance related processes
  • Claims handling
  • Mortgage processing.