Third-Party Commission Schema

Third-party commission schema records are commission schemas that can be used only for the third-party management processes within Core Banking. They are used to categorize third-party commission types. For example, there are two schemas that come out-of-the-box with Core Banking: Third Party and Third Party Clawback.

You can add other schemas if needed, just bear in mind that the business logic must also be implemented for your new schemas. By default, the scripts are written to treat only the schemas that come out-of-the-box with the Core Banking packages, Third Party for commissions types given to the third-party entity, and Third Party Clawback for commissions types reclaimed from the third-party entity.

To manage third-party commission schemas:

  1. In FintechOS Portal, click the main menu icon and expand the Admin Configurations menu.

  2. Click the Third-Party Commission Schema menu item to open the Third-Party Commission Schema page.

On the Third-Party Commission Schema page, you can create a new third-party commission schema, search, edit or delete an existing one. You can't delete schemas already used to define commissions.

Users with the associated role of Loan Admin Officer or Retail Credit Officer can insert, update, or delete third-party commission schema records. Users with the other associated Core Banking security roles can only view such records.

Creating Third-Party Commission Schemas

Follow these steps to create new third-party commission schema records:

  1. In the FintechOS Portal, click the Insert button on the top right side of the Third-Party Commission Schema page. The Add Third-Party Commission Schema page is displayed.

  2. Fill in the Name field with the name of the third-party commission schema.

  1. Click the Save and Reload button. The new third-party commission schema is created and ready to be used.