
When building a product, it may require to add an insurance to it such as a credit insurance, life insurance, house insurance etc.

For any banking product you can select an existing insurance or to create a new one. To add a new one, follow these steps:

  1. Log into Innovation Studio.
  2. Click the main menu icon at the top left corner.
  3. In the main menu, expand Product Factory-> Banking Product Dimensions.
  4. Click Insurances to open the Insurances List page.

  5. In the Insurances List page, you can:
    • Add a new insurance by clicking the Insert button at the top right corner of the page.
    • Edit an existing insurance by double clicking it.
    • Delete an insurance by selecting it and clicking the Delete button at the top right corner of the page.

Adding Insurances

To create a new insurance, click the Insert button on the top right side of the page. In the newly opened Add Insurance page, fill in the following fields from the Insurance section:

Field Data Type Details
Code Text Insert a code for the insurance.
Name Text Insert a suggestive name for the insurance. Make sure it is a unique name.
Periodicity Type Option set

Select the type of periodicity for the insurance:

  • Once

  • Monthly

  • Trimestrial

  • Semestrial

  • Annual.

Currency Option set Select the corresponding currency for the insurance.
Insurer Option set Insert the name of the company that issues the insurance.
Operation Item Option set Select the corresponding operation item responsible for notification
Is Mandatory For Applicant Boolean If selected, then the insurance is mandatory for the customer.
Is Mandatory For Debtor Boolean If selected, the insurance is mandatory for the debtor.
Is Included Into Repayment Schedule Installment Boolean If selected, the insurance is included in the payment installments.


Option set Select the class of insurance for this specific insurance:
  • Credit insurance

  • Home insurance

  • Life insurance

  • Other insurance.
Insurance Value is Percentage Boolean If selected, the insurance value is a percentage from the banking product's value.
Description Text area Insert a suggestive description for the insurance.

Click the Save and Reload button at the top right corner of the page.

In the Insurance value section, insert or delete the values of the insurance.

To add a new insurance value, click Insert and fill in the following fields in the newly opened Add Insurance Value page:

Field Data type Description
Begin date Date Select a date when the value is valid for the insurance.
End date Date Select the end date when the value is no longer valid.
Percent Numeric Select the percentage for the insurance.
Value Numeric Select the value for the insurance.
Interest discount Numeric Select the discount to be applied to the insurance.

Click the Save and Close button.