Security Roles for Core Banking

A security role is a set of privileges and levels of access to various actions/ functions within the FintechOS Platform. Read the Security Roles topic for detailed information.

Core Banking has a set of predefined security roles specific for banking-related business needs. Financial institutions can use these security roles to grant their employees access rights within its systems. Read the Users topic for information about associating security roles to users in FintechOS Studio.

You can also create new security roles to fit your financial institution's business needs.

Predefined Core Banking Security Roles

Core Banking comes with the following predefined security roles that grant specific access rights to the users associated with one or more of these roles to the FintechOS Platform's actions and functions:

  • Loan Admin Officer - Users with this security role have read, write and authorize access rights to the Loans and Accounting records in all modules of Core Banking within their organization.

  • Accounting Read - Users with this security role have read access rights to the Accounting module of Core Banking within their organization.

  • Corporate Credit Officer - Users with this security role have access rights to read and write access rights to the Contract, Contract Version, Contract Event, Limits, Collateral Register, Credit Facility and Credit Facility Version records of Core Banking within their organization.

  • Retail Credit Officer - Users with this security role have access rights to read and write access rights to the Contract, Contract Version, Contract Event, Collateral Type and Collateral Register records of Core Banking within their organization.

  • Accounting Officer - Users with this security role have read and write access rights to the Accounting module of Core Banking within their organization.

  • Supervisor Risk Officer - Users with this security role have read access rights to the Contracts, Collateral Register and Credit Facility records of Core Banking within their organization, and authorization rights to the Limits records, all within their organization.

  • Risk Officer - Users with this security role have read access rights to the Contracts, Collateral Register and Credit Facility records, and write access rights to the Limits records of Core Banking within their organization.

If your user has more than one role, then your access rights are cumulative and you are granted the highest access right.

Read the following sections for detailed information about each security role's access rights to entities and endpoints within the FintechOS Platform: