Core Banking System Parameters

The system parameters used by Core Banking determine the behavior of all the contracts, transactions, limits and other parts that make up your Core Banking system.

The Core Banking system parameters are not to be confused with the FintechOS system parameters, stored in the systemparameter and systemParameterOnPortalProfile entities.



Here's the list of system parameters used by Core Banking, along with their description:

System Parameter Description Module Parameter Type Entity Option Set Default Value
AccountingAnalyticChar The analytic character used when displaying decimal numbers. Loan Admin Text N/A N/A .
AccountingRealTime Specifies if all accounting entries are generated real-time (for True value) or on demand (for False value). Loan Admin Boolean N/A N/A False
AdvanceNotification Specifies if the advance to be paid in a contract is displayed in a new repayment notification record (for False value) or included in the front-end fee repayment notification (for True value). Loan Admin Boolean N/A N/A False

This parameter instructs the system how to process bank account transaction operations. Possible values:

  • Total - the system creates 4 operations – 2 for debit and 2 for credit for the transaction value and sum(fees)

  • Individual - the system creates 2 * (1+NoFees) operations – debit and credit for the transaction value and each fee.

Loan Admin Text N/A N/A Total
CalendarYearEnd The maximum year in the calendar to be used when generating holidays for calendars.
Format: YYYY
Loan Admin Whole Number N/A N/A 2100
CalendarYearStart The minimum year in the calendar to be used when generating holidays for calendars.
Format: YYYY
Loan Admin Whole Number N/A N/A 2019
CreditFacilityLimitPercent Represents the default limit of credit facility records. Loan Admin Whole Number N/A N/A 30
CurrentAccount_WithOverdraft_DaysBeforeExpire Represents the number of days before the overdraft feature's expiration date of a current account when the contract based on that banking product gets displayed in the Soon to Expire Ovedrafts dashboard. Loan Admin Whole Number N/A N/A 30
DaysBeforePurge Represents the default number of calendar days that a record will be kept in Draft status before it is purged. The records that are due to be purged on the current day and have their transaction type's To Be Purged field marked as True are displayed in the Records To Be Purged Dashboard, within the section specific to the record's transaction type. The job performing the deletion is Delete Purged Entries and it should be scheduled at the bank's level.
The custom job error records are also purged at the interval given by this parameter.
Loan Admin Whole Number N/A N/A Set it according to the bank's policy.
DaysFutureInstallmentsReport Represents the default number of days before an installment's due date in order for that installment to be included in the Future Installments report within the Reports Dashboard. Loan Admin Whole Number N/A N/A 15
DaysPastDueInstallmentsReport Represents the default number of days after an unpaid installment's due date in order for that installment to be included in the Past Due Installments report within the Reports Dashboard. Loan Admin Whole Number N/A N/A 25
DefaultIntervalLimitsReport Represents the default number of months considered when running the reports within the Limit Report dashboard. Loan Admin Whole Number N/A N/A 12
DelayDaysForBlockNewContractApproval Represents the default number of delay days for blocking the approval of new loan contracts for customers who have overdue payments. New contract approval is blocked by Core Banking if the customer has overdue days >= the value of the DelayDaysForBlockNewContractApproval parameter. Collection Whole Number N/A N/A 0

Specifies if the deposit interest is split in two lines or displayed in one line.

  • For False value, the system splits the Deposit interest to recover in two lines (- paid interest -> recover all; sight interest to pay, pay all).

  • For True value, the system displays the Deposit interest to recover in one line with the aggregate value.

Loan Admin Boolean N/A N/A False
EarlyRepaymentFee_IndividualNotification Specifies whether to generate a separate repayment notification for the early repayment fee of a contract (for True value) or include the fee into the repayment notification containing the actual early repayment amount (for False value). Loan Admin Boolean N/A N/A False
FrontEndFee The commission type used for automatic notification on contract approval (Inclusion)/ or notification daily process (Exclusion). Loan Admin Lookup FTOS_BP_CommissionType N/A Front-end Fee
FTOS_CB_CalculatedProvisions   Loan Admin Boolean N/A N/A False
FTOS_CB_ExchangeRate_UseLatest   Loan Admin Boolean N/A N/A True

Specifies whether Core Banking should validate the limits for individual customers or only validate them for legal entity customers.

  • For False value, Core Banking does not validate any limits for the individual customers.

  • For True value, Core Banking validates all the limits for the individual customers the same way it does for legal entity customers.

Loan Admin Boolean N/A N/A True

Specifies whether job errors should be logged (for True value) as custom job error records or not (for False value). The custom job error records are purged at the interval given by the DaysBeforePurge parameter.

Loan Admin Boolean N/A N/A False
ManualRepaymentFee Specifies whether a banking product can have only one Repayment Fee type commission on its Commission List or more. This parameter affects the Contract Event page.
  • For False value, the banking product has only one Repayment Fee commission type on its commission list.

  • For True value, the banking product's commission list displays all the commissions stored in the FTOS_BP_Commission entity with type Repayment Fee.

Read more information about the effects of this parameter's value in the Transaction Fees section.

Loan Admin Boolean N/A N/A True
PurgeScheduleJobLogDays Specifies the number of days used to select the old data from the schedule job log to be purged. Loan Admin Whole Number N/A N/A 1
ReconciliationAccountTreatment Specifies how Core Banking treats situations when the funds of the reconciliation account associated with the banking product used in the contract would go below zero if a disbursement event would be approved.
  • For NoMessage value, there is no error or warning message displayed if the disbursement event that is being approved would result in a negative balance of the associated reconciliation account. The event can be approved and the balance can go below zero.

  • For Warning value, there is a warning message displayed if the disbursement event that is being approved would result in a negative balance of the associated reconciliation account. The event can be approved and the balance can go below zero.

  • For Error value, there is an error message displayed if the disbursement event that is being approved would result in a negative balance of the associated reconciliation account. The event can't be approved and the balance can't go below zero.

This is a system-wide setting, applicable to events for contracts based on all banking products without a specified Negative balance treatment value. Core Banking also takes into consideration the settings used at the banking product level (the Negative balance treatment field's value next to Reconciliation Account). Thus, if the value is specified at the banking product level, then that value takes precedence over the system parameter's setting.
Banking Product Option Set N/A FTOS_BP_WarningErrorTreatment Warning
RepaymentFee The commission type used for notification daily process (Exclusion). Loan Admin Lookup FTOS_BP_CommissionType N/A Repayment Fee
ThirdPartyPaymentIsNet Specifies whether Core Banking should generate one or two bank account transactions and payments for a third-party agreement invoice when the invoice's status is changed from Approved to Unpaid.

For False value, two bank account transactions are generated with two payments:

  • One transaction with source account = Settlement Account and destination account = Reconciliation Account with the value of Total Amount To Recover;

  • Another transaction with source account = Reconciliation Account and destination account = Settlement Account with the value of Total Amount To Pay.

For True value, Core Banking calculates the difference between Total Amount To Recover and Total Amount To Pay. Only one bank account transaction is generated and only one payment, representing the non-zero value between the Total Amount To Recover and the Total Amount To Pay, as follows:

  • If Total Amount To Recover - Total Amount To Pay > 0, a new bank account transaction is generated with source account = Settlement Account and destination account = Reconciliation Account, and a payment is generated for the invoice.

  • If Total Amount To Recover - Total Amount To Pay = 0, a bank account transaction is generated, and the transaction's status changes to Paid.

  • If Total Amount To Recover - Total Amount To Pay < 0, a new bank account transaction is generated with source account = Reconciliation Account and destination account = Settlement Account, and a payment is generated for the invoice.

When the payments are approved, the invoice's status becomes Paid.

Loan Admin Boolean N/A N/A False
ThirdPartyRole The list of allowed roles to choose from in the third-party agreement form. Banking Product Text N/A N/A Merchant,Insurer,Broker,Agent
Unusage Commission for not using the funds. The commission type used for Credit Facility accrual daily process. Loan Admin Lookup FTOS_BP_CommissionType N/A Commission Unusage Monthly
Usage Commission for usage of funds. The commission type used for Credit Facility accrual daily process. Loan Admin Lookup FTOS_BP_CommissionType N/A Commission Usage Monthly
UseCF Specifies whether your installation uses the Credit Facility module for Core Banking Corporate or not.
  • For True value, the Credit Facility module is used and the Credit Facility menu item is displayed within the Core Banking Operational menu.

  • For False value, the Credit Facility module isn't used and the Credit Facility menu item is not displayed within the Core Banking Operational menu.

Loan Admin Boolean N/A N/A True
UseContaminationForDPDCategory Loan classification works by risk contamination at the customer and the group levels. This means that if a loan contract belonging to a customer is classified as one of a higher risk due to delays in the repayment process, all the other loans of the customer and of the group where the customer is a member are further classified into that high-risk classification. Read more about loan classification in this dedicated page.
This parameter specifies whether Core Banking should use the risk contamination for loan classification or not.
  • For True value, risk contamination is used for loan classification, thus one unpaid contract affecting all the loan contracts of that customer.

  • For False value, risk contamination is not used for loan classification, thus unpaid contracts don't affect other loan contracts of the same customer.

The parameter affects only the EOD and SOD jobs.
Loan Admin Boolean N/A N/A True
UseGLModule Specifies whether your installation uses the General Ledger module or not. The GL module comes within a different digital asset than Core Banking, thus its use is optional.
  • For True value, the GL module is used and the GL Settings tab is displayed at banking product level.

  • For False value, the GL module is not used and the GL Settings tab does not display at banking product level.

Loan Admin Boolean N/A N/A True

Managing Core Banking System Parameters

Only users with associated system administrator user rights can view and manage the Core Banking system parameters.

In order to manage the system parameters used by your FintechOS Core Banking installation, follow these steps:

  1. Log into FintechOS Portal with a user with administrative rights.

  2. Click the main menu icon at the top left corner.

  3. In the main menu, expand the Admin Configurations menu.

  4. Click Core Banking System Parameter menu item to open the Core Banking System Parameters List page.

On the Core Banking System Parameters List page, you can:

  • Create a new Core Banking system parameter by clicking the Insert button at the top right corner.

  • Edit a parameter from the list by double-clicking it.

  • Delete a parameter by selecting it and clicking the Delete button at the top right corner

  • Search for a specific record by filling in any or all the column headers of the displayed parameters list.

Parameters marked as Is System cannot be deleted. When edited, only their value can be changed.

Creating Core Banking System Parameters

To create a new system parameter to be used with Core Banking, fill in the following fields on the System Parameter page displayed after clicking the Insert button:

Field Required Data Type Details
Name No Text Enter a suggestive name for the parameter.
Is System Yes Boolean Select the checkbox to specify that the parameter cannot deleted or edited, except its value.
Leave the checkbox empty if this parameter can be changed or deleted.
Module Yes Option Set Select the Core Banking module that uses the system parameter.
General Description No Text Area Enter a detailed description for the system parameter.
Parameter Type Yes Option Set Select the data type of the parameter. Possible values: Text, Date, Date Time, Invariant Date, Whole Number, Numeric, Option Set and Entity.
The rest of the fields that need to be completed depend on the selected data type.
Entity Yes Lookup Displayed for Lookup parameter type. Select the entity from where you need to pick a record as parameter value.
Option Set Yes Lookup Displayed for Option Set parameter type. Select the option set from where you need to pick a value as parameter value.
Parameter Value Yes Depends on the selected parameter type Holds the value of the default parameter. Depending on the selected parameter type, you can either enter a value, select the checkbox or select record.
  • For Text, Date, Date Time, Invariant Date, Whole Number, Numeric parameter types, enter the desired value taking in consideration the data type's format.

  • For Boolean parameter types, select the checkbox to specify a True value, or deselect for a False value.

  • For Lookup parameter type, select the desired record from the previously selected entity that acts as parameter value.

  • For Option Set parameter types, select the desired value from the previously selected option set that acts as parameter value.

Click the Save and Reload button at the top right corner of the page.