Product Settings

Product settings allow you to configure the option sets available in your Product Templates for selecting product features like payment schedules, types of collateral, insurance perils, types of fees, interest indexes, etc.

Payment Schedule Type

A payment schedule represents the complete table of periodic loan payments, showing the amount of principal, interest, and other payments that comprise each installment until the loan is paid off at the end of its term.

The payment schedules are a quintessential part of a loan. Below you can see how to configure the installments, dates and calculations.

Loan Periodicity

Loan periodicity is the dictionary used to define the regularity of payments. For example, payments related to loan contracts, commissions, or installments can be performed once, daily, monthly, yearly, and so on.

To manage loan periodicity records:

  1. In the main menu, click Products > Settings > Loan Periodicity, and the Loan Periodicity page opens.
  2. On the Loan Periodicity page, you can add new loan periodicity record or search, edit, and delete existing ones.

You can insert, update, or delete records if you have the associated role of Banking Product Admin.

Create Loan Periodicity Records

  1. Click Insert on the Loan Periodicity page. The Add Loan Periodicity page is displayed.
  2. Fill in the following fields from the Loan Periodicity section:

    • Name: Enter the name of the periodicity.
    • Periodicity: Enter the number of measurement units for the periodicity.
    • Measurement Unit: Select the measurement unit applicable for the periodicity from the drop-down. Possible values: Days, Weeks, Months, Years, and Once.
  3. Click Save and Reload. The new loan periodicity is created and ready to be used.

Collateral Type

The Collateral Type dictionary is used to define the types of collateral used in the banking products' definition.

To manage collateral type records:

  1. In the main menu, click Products > Settings > Collateral Type, and the Collateral Type List page opens.

    Or you can manage collateral types from FintechOS Portal's Core Banking Operational > Collateral Type menu.
  2. On the Collateral Type List page, you can add new allocation methods or search, edit, and delete existing ones.

You can insert, update, or delete records if you have the associated role of Banking Product Admin.

Follow these steps to create new collateral type records:

  1. Click Insert on the Collateral Type List page, and the Add Collateral Type page is displayed.
  2. Fill in the following fields:

    • Name: Enter the name of the collateral type.
    • Code: Enter the code of the collateral type.
    • Adjust Percent: Enter the adjusted value of the collateral type.
      When a collateral type is defined, you can set an adjustment percent. The adjustment percent is a customization applied for that collateral. Further, when a collateral is linked to a secured loan contract, its market value is automatically adjusted by Loan Management using the adjustment percent.
    • Priority: Enter the priority of the collateral type to be considered within a contract.
  3. Click Save and Reload.

In the newly displayed Banking Products section, you can see the banking products that have this collateral type associated.

Banking Product Document

This section allows you to track all the documents that have been set up in various banking Product Templates to be requested from or provided to banking customers, such as identification documents or Terms and Conditions.

Insurance Peril

An Insurance Peril, or condition - for example earthquake, car accident, tornados, theft, death, or disability, informs about the type of coverage for a particular insurance product, or product item (coverage). You can define perils independently from products, so that they can be used in conjunction with multiple insurance product templates. Depending on your product, you can attach one or multiple perils, or conditions to it.

Add Perils

In FintechOS Studio, you can find an overview of all the insurance perils registered in your system - your nomenclature of perils, or conditions. You can also create and configure new records. Follow the steps below to add a new peril record.

  1. In the main menu, navigate to Products > Settings > Insurance Peril. The Insurance Peril List is displayed, containing all the existing records.

  2. Click Insert to add a new peril.
  3. Fill in the following fields to configure the peril:
    • Insurance Peril Name: Name of the insurance peril.
    • Max Notify Period: Maximum period for the notification of the peril.
    • Event Count Limit: Number of events covered by the policy.
    • Implicit Reserve: Amount of the prudential reserve to be deposited for the current policy.
    • Implicit Reserve Currency: Currency of the prudential reserve.

  4. Click Save and Close. You can view the newly created record in the Insurance Peril List.

Insurance Document

This section allows you to track all the documents that have been set up in various insurance Product Templates to be requested from or provided to insurance customers, such as identification documents or Terms and Conditions.

Lexicon Term

Lexicon terms are parameters (like the debt-to-income ratio, credit score, current credit amount, risk zone, etc.) used in the context of specific Product Templates for rules, data sets, or formulas. Lexicon terms are the building blocks of product evaluations, such as requiring an insurance, calculating a price, offering a discount, or determining eligibility.

To set up the lexicon terms that are available for your products, in FintechOS Studio, go to Main Menu > Products > Settings > Lexicon Term.

Each lexicon term has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
Name Name of the lexicon term.
Type Data type of the lexicon term.
  • Boolean - A selection between two mutually exclusive choices. Can be used for terms such as whether or not an applicant is an existing customer of if an insured house has or doesn't have an alarm system.
  • Date - A calendar date. Can be used for terms such as birth dates.
  • Numeric - A numeric value. Can be used for terms such as a credit amount or insured value.
  • Text - An alphanumeric value. Can be used for terms such as license plate numbers or VINs.
  • Value list - A set of values. Can be used for terms such as home types, engine displacement ranges, or risk zones.
  • Draft - The lexicon term hasn't been used yet and can still be edited.
  • Active - The lexicon term is currently in use. It can no longer be modified.
  • Inactive - The lexicon term is suspended from use.
Description Enter a description of the lexicon term. This explanation is visible when designing a product and selecting the lexicon term.
Context Enriched Before
  • First choice of a boolean lexicon term (e.g.: is, has, agrees with). If selected, this choice is displayed before the lexicon term name (e.g.: is in accordance with GDPR).
  • For non-boolean lexicon terms, this is an optional text displayed before the term (typically a verb), e.g.: is, has, covers. You can combine it with the Context Enriched After parameter to create complex syntax such as: covers ... % of the total surface.
Context Enriched After
  • Second choice of a boolean lexicon term (e.g.: is not, doesn't have, doesn't agree with). If selected, this choice is displayed before the lexicon term name (e.g.: is not in accordance with GDPR).
  • For non-boolean lexicon terms, this is an optional text displayed after the term (typically a descriptor), e.g.: meters long, % of the total surface, consecutive days. You can combine it with the Context Enriched Before parameter to create complex syntax such as: covers ... % of the total surface.
Lexicon Term Values Value list lexicon terms only.
Use this grid to configure the values that are available in the list.
Lexicon Context Use this list to set up the Product Templates where the lexicon term is available.

Fee Types

To set up the fee types that are available for your products, in FintechOS Studio:

  1. Go to Main Menu > Products.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Select Fee Types.

Each type of fee has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
Commission Schema

Indicates the conditions under which the fee is applied.

  • Administration Fee - Management fee.
  • Commission Unusage - Fee applied for the amount unused from the contract's amount. Usually this is applied for unused overdraft amounts.
  • Commission Usage - Fee applied for the amount used from the contract's amount.
  • Front-end Fee - Fee paid at the beginning of the loan agreement to cover the costs of underwriting, evaluating, and processing the loan application. E.g.: loan origination fees, application fees, credit check fees.
  • Management Fee - Fee paid for administering and managing the loan throughout its duration, to cover operational costs such as regulatory compliance, maintaining the loan account, or providing ongoing customer support.
  • Payment Holiday - Fee charged when the borrower requests to temporarily suspend or defer making regular loan payments for a specific period.
  • Repayment Fee - Fee for repaying the loan in full or making larger payments than scheduled before the loan's maturity date.
  • Reschedule - Fee applied when the borrower seeks to modify the original repayment schedule, loan duration, or other terms specified in the loan agreement.
  • Return Fee - Fee charged when the borrower's payment is returned or cannot be processed.
  • Versioning Fee - Fee applied once when creating a new version of an approved contract.
Name Type a name for the fee.
Periodicity Type How often the fee is charged. Either only once or at regular intervals (annually, bimonthly, trimestrial, weekly, etc.).
Mandatory for Applicant This fee must be payed by the applicant.
Automatic Load on Contract If selected, this fee is automatically loaded on contracts.
Is for Contract Version Fee applied when creating a new contract version.
Is for Unusage Fee for when an account or credit line remains unused or inactive for an extended period of time.
Is Returnable Fee is refundable if the loan application is denied.

Is Return

Fee applied for Return Amount or Goods transactions on contracts.

Interest Indexes

The Interest Indexes option allows you to track all the individual interests that have been set up in various banking Product Templates. To see the interests, in the FintechOS Studio main menu, go to Products > Settings > Interest Indexes.

Insured Objects

For future use. Do not change.

This item allows you to see the insured objectsClosed Item or entity that is covered by an insurance policy. that can be covered in various insurance product templates.

Underwriting Data Set Values

This item allows you to define lists of terms that constitute valid terminology for the Approved, Derogation, and Rejected underwriting outcomes. For each outcome, you can provide the corresponding terms separated by commas:

Outcome Data Set Values Examples
Approved Approved, Passed
Derogation Derogation, Manual Analysis
Rejected Rejected, Not Passed