FintechOS Platform 21.1.1

March 17th, 2021

This release introduces improvements to the FintechOS platform's capabilities such as attribute level security and digital journey contexts (with specific navigation rules). Continue reading for the full list of improvements and fixes.

What's New

Random Character Password Authentication

To prevent person-in-the-middle attacks, you can now configure platform authentication to request only a few random characters from the user's password instead of the entire password. For more details, see the FintechOS Platform Administration Guide.

Preferred communication channel for system users

You can now assign a default communication channel through which users will receive system notifications such as one-time passwords. Users can configure this setting themselves from the My Account menu or an administrator can assign the preferred communication channel from the Edit User screen.

The available options depend on the communication providers configured on the FintechOS instance.

Digital Journey Context

If a form driven flow is shared between multiple digital journeys, you can customize its behavior based on the journey that initiated it.

For more information, see the FintechOS Studio User Guide.

Attribute Level Security

You can now use security roles to control access to specific attributes of an entity. For this purpose, a flag called Is Securable has been added to the attribute editor.

When you create a security role item based on an entity with secured attributes, you can set the following permissions for those attributes:

  • Restricted (default) - Prevents access.
  • Allow - Allows access.
  • Explicit deny - Prevents access even if another security role allows access.

For more information, see the FintechOS Studio User Guide.

Asynchronous package deployment

The FintechOS package deployer can now perform asynchronous deployments, which prevents request timeout errors on certain environments. To deploy packages in asynchronous mode, use the -a flag when calling the FtosSysPkgDeployer.exe installer. For example:

Data Model Import

FtosSysPkgDeployer.exe -i -a -s <studio_url> -u <studio_user_name> -p <studio_user_password> -z <db_Server> -v <db_server_login_username> -k <db_server_login_password> -d <db_name> -r <syspack_file_path>

Data Import

FtosSysPkgDeployer.exe -g -a -s <studio_url> -u <studio_user_name> -p <studio_user_password> -r <syspack_data file_path>

Add menu items to menu sections easier

When you create an Entity, Custom Journey, or Report menu item, you can assign it to a parent menu section directly from the menu item editor.

When you add a menu item child to a menu section, the Parent Menu Item field is populated by default with the menu section's name.

No-code style sheet customization

You can apply style sheets for your forms and form driven flows directly from the General tab of the form editor.

For more information, see the FintechOS Studio User Guide.

Severity levels for log messages

The log Server SDK function can now apply a label for the severity level of the log entry, such as debug, info, warning, error, or fatal.

Fixed Issues

No. Summary Module
FSD-5275, FSD-7373 Job server services used to sent emails or SMS messages sometimes stopped working under heavy loads. FintechOS Studio
FSD-6909 The job scheduler would sometimes accept incorrect Cron expressions. FintechOS Studio
FSD-6904 When saving data to a temporary table, entries with more than 100 characters were not imported. Server SDK

Known Issues

Summary Module

During the OCR process done with Computer Vision on a device with Andriod 11, the screen freezes after the photo is taken on screens smaller than 6 inches.

As a workaround, if the user scrolls on the screen so that the address bar is no longer visible, then the bug does not reproduce and they can advance to the next step.

In addition, use the following code snippet to eliminate the issue:

html, body {

    height: 100%;

#ebsContainer {

    height: 100%;

    overflow-y: auto;

.main-container {

    height: 100%;

    overflow-y: auto;
FintechOS Studio and FintechOS Portal
Plugin assemblies must be copied and pasted in the PortalPluginStore\AddIns folder after import in FintechOS Studio in order to be functional. FintechOS Studio
The Save Changes prompt does not appear when the Insert button is clicked. FintechOS Studio and FintechOS Portal
Inline editing in views doesn’t work if the view columns are created with attribute aliases from the fetch. FintechOS Portal