Bank Statements

Bank Statements is the functionality you use in order to add payment data into the system.

Uploading a bank statement file triggers the automatic parsing, sorting and matching of the Incoming Payments data - contained by the file, with the Invoices already registered into your system. For payments that respect some rules - such as providing the correct unique identifier for an installment or the number of the policy, the allocation flow is completely automated.

After import, you can find all the new payments into the general list, from the Payments section. You can recognize the automatically allocated payments by their Closed business status. If necessary, you can open a record to see the paid amount. More details about how the system does the sorting of the received payment data, in the Incoming Payments technical documentation.

You also use this functionality to register Outgoing Payments into the system - namely, those requests for payments that your bank sends with the bank statement file. More details about how the system does the sorting of the received payment requests data, in the Outgoing Payments technical documentation. For some of your recurring outgoing payments scenarios - like paying the electricity bill, you can configure Billing and Collection to automatically approve and allocate those types of outgoing payments. For more details about managing Outgoing Payments with the Billing and Collection solution, consult the Outgoing Payment Requests page.

Bank Statements View

In your portal, in the Bank Statements section, you have an overview of all your bank statements imported into the system - with the newest imported bank statement listed at the top.

Bank Statements List

This general list also gives you the possibility to search and sort the imported bank statements for easier processing. For example if you want to view all the imported bank statements for a certain bank account of yours, you can use the Search by Payment Account option and sort all your records accordingly.

Follow the steps to view your bank statements:

  1. At the top left corner of your FintechOS Portal, click the main menu icon to open the main dropdown list.

  2. From the main list, click Billing and Collection. A second dropdown opens.

  3. Next, click Bank Statements to go to the Bank Statements List. Inside the Bank Statements List page:

  • To Inspect a record from the grid, double click it.

  • To Add a new record, click Insert, at the top right corner of the page.

  • To Delete a record from the grid, select it and click Delete, at the top right corner of the page.

HINT  You can export one or more records by pressing Export, at the top right corner of your screen.

Uploading Bank Statements

IMPORTANT!  To import payments, you need to use the standard bank statement file issued by your bank, for your bank accounts. For example, some banks use the MT940 format file for issuing statements. Also, you use this same functionality to import standardized files from other payment processors - such as PayU. The Billing and Collection module can parse through different payment data files.

Follow the steps below to add payment data into your system:

HINT  For more information about the import rules and configurations, consult also the Import Bank Statements page.