Unallocated Payments

Unallocated Payments is the section where you can see all incoming payments that the system was unable to allocate automatically - for example, a policy holder made a payment without indicating the installment number or the policy number. This is also the place where a payment ends-up when you don't allocate the payment's full amount on an invoice. You can either use the Allocate or the Return manual flow, in order to deal with a payment in Unallocated or Partially Allocated business status. More details to follow, below.

IMPORTANT!  The details of an incoming payment record are not editable. You can only (partially or entirely) allocate, deallocate or return the payment. When the payment if fully allocated, the record changes its business status to Closed.

Unallocated Payments View

In your portal, in the Unallocated Payments section, you have an overview of the unallocated payments registered into your system - with the newest unallocated payment at the top. In this list, next to every record you can see the Return button, which offers a rapid way to initiate a payment return flow, for the selected payment. More details, in the Outgoing Payment Requests section.

Unallocated Payments

This is an all-inclusive view; yet, you also have the possibility to search and sort your payments for easier processing. For example, if you want to view all the payments in Partially Allocated status, you can use the Search by Business Status option and sort all your payments accordingly.

Follow the steps to view your unallocated or partially allocated payments:

  1. At the top left corner of your FintechOS Portal, click the main menu icon to open the main dropdown list.

  2. From the main list, click Billing and Collection. A second dropdown opens.

  3. Next, click Unallocated Payments to go to the Unallocated Payments List.

In the Unallocated Payments List page:

  • To Inspect a record from the grid, double click it.

  • To Delete a record from the grid, select it and click Delete, at the top right corner of the page.

HINT  You can export one or more records by pressing Export, at the top right corner of your screen.

Unallocated Payments Form

When you double click a record from the Unallocated Payments section, in order to manage a payment, you actually launch the Unallocated Payments Form. This form allows you to partially or entirely allocate the selected payment or to propose its return. It also allows you to deallocate amounts previously allocated - for example, for the case when you allocated an amount on an invoice in error.

Manual allocation can be done either backward-looking - when you allocate a payment on an invoice (already existing in your system) or forward-looking - when you allocate a payment on a future installment (triggering the automatic issuing of the invoice that matches with the payment).

The Unallocated Payments Form contains the following sections:

Allocating Payments

Take the below steps for allocating payments: