Setting Attribute Level Security
In FintechOS, security access is granted in two levels entity and attribute-level. Depending on the security role attached to a system user, he or she will have CRUD operations on the level of entity and attribute.
Task at hand
The tutorial answers the following questions:
- How do I allow everybody in Business Unit Killarney & Business Unit Dublin to have read access to records on Entity FTOS_Pricing, but deny access to the rest?
- How do I allow everybody in Business Unit Killarney to read the column Transactions per day while the Business Unit Dublin not to read the column?
- How do I allow the Transactions per day column to be seen only by the CreationUser and Manager?
- How do I allow the Transactions per day column to be seen only by the CreationUser?
- How do I allow Transactions per day on FTOS_Pricing to be seen by the manager, but not by the user who created the record?
Admin user can see securable attributes!
Before you begin
- Create one platform entity FTOS_Pricing with the following attribute list:
Name Display name Attribute type FTOS_Pricingid FTOS_Pricingid Pk name name Text userId User Lookup createdByUserId
Created by user
Modified by user
businessUnitId Business Unit Lookup createdOn Created On Date Time modifiedOn Modified On Date Time entityStatusId
Transactions per day
Whole Number
Number of products available
Whole Number
- The attribute Transactions per day will be the secured attribute.
How to secure an attribute
When creating or modifying the attribute, tick the boolean is Securable.
1 Allowing and Denying rights on organizational level
How do I allow everybody in Business Unit Killarney & Business Unit Dublin to have read access to records on Entity FTOS_Pricing, but deny access to the rest?
Follow the path: FintechOS Studio > Security > Security roles.
In order to allow a group of people to read the entity and deny another group, create a security role that will be attached to the system users. Create a role named FTOS_Pricing_Role.
Add the security item:
Entity | Security Scope |
Security operator |
FTOS_Pricing | Organizational |
Read |
Once the entity is selected a grid opens with the list of secured attributes. Tick the Allow boolean for the attribute Transactions per day.
Lastly, add the security role FTOS_Pricing_Role to the system user who can read the attribute, e.g. to the users that belong to Business Unit Killarney. The rest of the system users will not have this role, hence they will not have the possibility to read.
2 Allowing and Denying rights on business unit level
How do I allow everybody in Business Unit Killarney to read the column Transactions per day while the Business Unit Dublin not to read the column?
Follow the path: FintechOS Studio > Security > Security roles.
Add the security item:
Entity | Security Scope |
Security operator |
FTOS_Pricing | Business Unit |
Read |
Once the entity is selected a grid opens with the list of secured attributes. Tick the Allow boolean for the attribute Transactions per day.
3 Allowing and Denying rights on parental level
How do I allow the Transactions per day column to be seen only by the CreationUser and Manager?
Follow the path: FintechOS Studio > Security > Security roles.
Add the security item:
Entity | Security Scope |
Security operator |
FTOS_Pricing | Parental |
Read |
Once the entity is selected a grid opens with the list of secured attributes. Tick the Allow boolean for the attribute Transactions per day.
4 Allowing and Denying rights on user level
How do I allow the Transactions per day column to be seen only by the CreationUser?
Follow the path: FintechOS Studio > Security > Security roles.
Add the security item:
Entity | Security Scope |
Security operator |
FTOS_Pricing | User |
Read |
Once the entity is selected a grid opens with the list of secured attributes. Tick the Allow boolean for the attribute Transactions per day.
5 Allowing and Denying rights for creator and manager
How do I allow Transactions per day on FTOS_Pricing to be seen by the manager, but not by the user who created the record?
Follow the path: FintechOS Studio > Security > Security roles.
In this example, we need two security roles. One security role is for the creator, who is not able to see the record that he created. One security role is for the manager who can see the records.
For the user, add the security item to the FTOS_Prcing_Role:
Entity | Security Scope |
Security operator |
FTOS_Pricing | Organization |
Read |
For the manager, add the security item to the FTOS_Pricing_Manager_Role:
Entity | Security Scope |
Security operator |
FTOS_Pricing | Parental |
Read |
Once the entity is selected a grid opens with the list of secured attributes. For the manager, tick the Allow boolean for the attribute Transactions per day.
For more details, see Creating Security Roles.
Congratulations! You have secured an attribute successfully!