Share Access to Uploaded Files

Some users may need to access files that were uploaded by somebody else, but haven't been associated to an entity record yet.

For instance, in a co-browsing scenario, an operator helps an applicant with an online onboarding. The applicant uploads a file, such as an identity document, but hasn't reached a point in the journey where the entity record is saved in the database (for instance, hasn't reached the next step in the flow). The operator, however, needs to be able to see the file to provide assistance. For this purpose, he needs access to the FileEntry entity.

The FileEntry entity, tracks all files as soon as they are uploaded, even before they are assigned to an entity record. Users with access to the FileEntry entity, can access these files under the following conditions:

  • Non-B2C users need read access to the FileEntry entity with a security scope of business unit or above. This will grant access to files uploaded by users in the corresponding security scope (the same business unit for the business unit scope, the same business unit or its children for the Parental scope, or the entire organization for the Organization scope).
  • For B2C users, the impersonated user account needs read access to the FileEntry entity with a security scope of Organization.
The process described above applies only to files that were uploaded, but haven't been associated to an entity record yet. Once a corresponding entity record is saved, the usual Security Roles based rules apply.