Managing Automatic Invoice Payments

Distribution Management identifies the invoices that are not paid on the day of payment specified in the agreement, using the Charge Not Paid Invoices scheduled job. The system can automatically generate and process the payments for the invoices, depending on the Payment Mode selected at the invoice level.

The method of operating these payments depends on the setting of the PaymentIsNet system parameter. The value of the parameter specifies whether the system should generate one or two bank account transactions (only for Distribution Management for Banking) and payments for a third-party agreement invoice when the invoice's status is changed from Approved to Not Paid.

After automatically creating the payment records, Distribution Management displays them for each invoice in the Invoice page's Payments section:

Each payment record in the list displays information about the payment number, payer's bank account name, transaction date, currency, payment amount, allocated amount, remaining payment amount, total payment amount, and status.

In the Payments section, you can search and open for viewing existing payment records, or delete payments in Draft status.

You can't edit any of the fields of a payment.
Any payment with a status different than Draft cannot be deleted