FintechOS Platform 22.1.6

May 29th, 2023

This release includes performance improvements for logging and Web APIs, security updates, and bug fixes. New developer focused features cover APIs, business formulas, numeric precision, and the Moment.JS library, while management segregation between users and roles simplifies platform administration.

This is part of the FintechOS 22.R3 Update Pack 3 release. Please check the main release notes for more information.

What's New

Execute SQL scripts before digital solution package import

Apart from mapping custom files to a portal profile, you can now use a configuration file to ensure SQL scripts are executed before importing a digital solution package. For more information, see the Administration Guide.

OpenAPI Domains

You can now group endpoint and entity APIs into domains and define parent - child relationships between domains to create API hierarchies that are easy to understand and navigate.

For more information, see the FintechOS Studio User Guide.

System Users/User Roles Segregated Management

Two new default security roles have been added to the platform in order to segregate management between system users and user roles:

  • User Admin - User admins can manage system users and allocate user roles to them, but cannot create/delete user roles or modify existing user roles.
  • Security Role Management - Security role managers can create, delete, and edit security roles, but don't have access to system user accounts.
The User Management security role, which has both system users and user roles management privileges, is still available.

For more information about the default user roles, see the FintechOS Studio User Guide.

Add Multiple Properties to a Business Formula Collection

You can now apply the EXTENDELEMENTS function repeatedly to add multiple properties to a business formula collection.

var newColl = FROM(CollArg).EXTENDELEMENTS("elem1", x=>x.Price*2);
result = FROM(newColl).EXTENDELEMENTS("elem2", x=>x.Price*10);

For more information about the formula editor's built-in functions, see the FintechOS Studio User Guide.

Higher Precision for Numeric Attributes

The maximum number of decimals for numeric attributes has been increased from 8 to 10. You can now:

  • Define numeric attributes with a precision of 10 in FintechOS Studio.
  • Save and load numeric attributes with 10 decimals in FintechOS Portal.
  • Save and load numeric attributes with 10 decimals in automation scripts.
The total number of digits supported by a numeric attribute is 15, including the decimals. If, for instance, you set the precision of a numeric attribute to 10, the highest value supported by that numeric attribute will be 99999.9999999999.

Upgraded Moment.JS Library

The Moment.js library has been upgraded to version 2.29.4.

Security Check Bypass for Some Resource Files

Security checks have been disabled for some resources:

  • Files such as company logo, company background, and company login background can be downloaded by any user.
  • Users who can export deployment packages can include files (such as report templates) even when they don't have access rights to their related entities.

Fixed Issues

No. Summary Module
10396 B2C form driven flows sometimes displayed the Previous button even if the Show "Previous" button option was set to No. FintechOS Portal
14481, 22812 Data view exports in Excel format would sometimes export the wrong record set when Order By filters were applied on the list prior to the export. FintechOS Platform
18286 OpenAPI requests failed for some entities. FintechOS Platform
19960 Sealed digital assets were preventing reordering of menu items in the Menu Items list. FintechOS Studio
22482 You can now use the EXTENDELEMENTS function repeatedly to add multiple properties to a collection. For more information see, Add Multiple Properties to a Business Formula Collection. FintechOS Studio
23302, 29266 The new User Admin and Security Role Management security roles allow segregated management between system users and user roles. For more information, see System Users/User Roles Segregated Management. FintechOS Platform
24935 Sometimes, the ebs.generateFormAsync Client SDK function did not generate the corresponding form and removed the form steps from the form header. FintechOS Platform
25042, 26655 When editing a content template item in Personalized Content, the text editor did not work as expected. FintechOS Studio
26070 Fixed an error that caused the sending of messages created using the FTOS.CMB library to fail. FintechOS Platform
26224 OpenAPI calls sometimes returned responses in a pseudo-structure that could cause parsing problems. FintechOS Platform
26316 After inserting an entity record from another entity record's editor (for instance when using the Insert button to populate a lookup attribute), the Back button skipped the original record's editor and return to the prior screen (such as the entity view). FintechOS Portal
26404 Fixed an issue that caused the formula engine to throw an error when called using a server side script. FintechOS Platform
29252 Security checks were enforced on generic assets such as the company logo, making it visible only for administrators in FintechOS Portal. For more details, see Security Check Bypass for Some Resource Files. FintechOS Platform

Known Issues

Summary Module

On laptops with 125% scaling, the following occurs:

  • when opening the export menu and switching to Export as CSV, the scroll bar overlaps the boxes on the right hand side of this menu;
  • for a menu or entity with a grid view, when selecting Export as CSV, scrolling down to the style conversion drop-downs after selecting Use local format, and changing one of the styles to another option, the menu scrolls to the top automatically.
Innovation Studio and Portal