Core DPA Platform 21.2.2

December 2nd, 2021

This release includes multiple bug fixes and improves the data export options for data views and grid reports, as well as the capabilities of the FintechOS Identity Provider.

This is part of the FintechOS 22 Update Pack 1 release. Please check the main release notes for more information.

In this release, unique constraints have been added in the data model to the following entity attributes:
scheduleServicename, scheduleTriggerId
securityroleitementityId, securityRoleId, securityOperationId, securityScopeId

What's New

Export Views in CSV and PDF Format

In addition to Excel, you can now export data views as PDFs or CSVs (with custom formatting).

A Digital Document Id field has been added to the data view editor allowing you to use a digital document as a template for the exported PDF (see the Digital Documents Processor documentation for more information).

For more information about data view exports, see the Innovation Studio User Guide.

Export Simple Grid Reports in CSV Format

A new report render format has been added for simple grid reports which allows you to create CSV reports with custom formatting for headers, separators, dates, and text qualifiers.

For more information, see the Innovation Studio User Guide.

Send Password Reset Links to FintechOS Identity Provider Users

For user accounts that have been enabled via FintechOS Identity Provider, you can use the server.identityProvider.sendResetPasswordEmailNotification Server SDK method to send them emails with password reset links.

Fixed Issues

No. Summary Module
FSD-7689 Using the lessThan or greaterThan operators in the Where clause of a fluent query on an Invariant Date operand generated a system argument exception. Innovation Studio
FSD-8796 In the Advanced Code Editor, when searching in files, the forms' names were skipped from the search results' paths. Innovation Studio
FSD-10863 All automation script libraries appeared to be attached to every server side script.
This issue could not be reproduced.
Innovation Studio
FSD-10897, FSD-10940 When failing to approve a workflow transition, a success message would be displayed instead.
This issue could not be reproduced.
FintechOS Portal
FSD-11073 Calling the server.b2c.sessionId property repeatedly under heavy workloads triggered a CLR exception.
The error could not be reproduced on test environments. An improvement has been made to logging the server.b2c.sessionId related errors to allow further investigation.
Server SDK
FSD-11661 Fixed an issue that caused the setNavigationUrl and the setNavigationEdit functions to return an error in the Portal Profile when setting sys-single-page-app-router system parameter to 1. FintechOS Portal
FSD-11720 When importing an entity that is part of a One to One business entity extension, if the relationship was already defined on the target environment, the import failed. Innovation Studio
FSD-11930, FSD-11960, FSD-19660 Business formulas triggered via JobServer sometimes crashed.
This error was caused by FSD-11959.
Innovation Studio
FSD-11959 The changeBusinessStatus function did not work if its server side script was triggered by a JobServer. Server SDK
FSD-11992 Fixed an issue that caused the Digital Asset column to be displayed incorrectly. The server side scripts list did not show their corresponding Digital Asset, unless sorted by Digital Asset column header. Innovation Studio
FSD-11995 When attempting to import a digital asset without an adequate security role, the error message did not indicate the lack of security privileges as the cause. The error message has been updated to be more descriptive. Innovation Studio
FSD-12014 Fixed an issue that caused a form driven flow step to not be displayed correctly even if the user is logged in with the correct security role. This issue occurred when the user logged off and then logged back in. Innovation Studio
FSD-12048 In wizard form driven flows, edited field values were sometimes not passed correctly to subsequent flow steps. This affected processing based on the field's value or the displayed header (if the field's attribute was set as a header item). Innovation Studio
FSD-12071 The getToken API endpoint did not return an access token for FintechOS Identity Provider accounts.
The error was caused by an incorrect setup (the client secret parameter was not configured when the access type was set to confidential).
Core DPA Platform
FSD-12257, FSD-12209, FSD-19428 Intelligent code completion (IntelliSense) sometimes stopped working for fluent queries. Innovation Studio
FSD-12266, FSD-12371 On Microsoft Azure environments, if the file-type upload control was enabled (the feature.upload.filetype-check web.config key was set to true), attempting to upload a CSV file was always rejected, even if the CSV file type was white listed via the FileUploadWhiteList web.config key. Core DPA Platform
FSD-12310 Sometimes, when adding custom fonts to a FintechOS Portal custom theme, an unhandled exception related to an unallowed virtual path caused a FintechOS Portal server error. Innovation Studio, FintechOS Portal
FSD-12324 The list of entity unique constraint attributes contained duplicate entries.
The issue could not be reproduced via regular use of the product (it required database intervention). However, an improvement has been deployed to list unique constraint attributes in alphabetical order in order to address part of the concerns in the ticket.
Innovation Studio
FSD-12343, FSD-12562 When the FintechOS Portal was in Single Page Application mode, saving and reloading the insert form would sometimes switch to a different form for editing, even if the same form was set for both inserting and editing in the form driven flow's settings. FintechOS Portal
FSD-12353 When re-importing a Web API Client Library, the associated TypeScript definitions were lost. Innovation Studio
n/a When using Digital Solution Packages to export form driven flows, form field labels and values were sometimes corrupted. Innovation Studio

Known Issues

Summary Module

On laptops with 125% scaling, the following occurs:

  • when opening the export menu and switching to Export as CSV, the scroll bar overlaps the boxes on the right hand side of this menu;
  • for a menu or entity with a grid view, when selecting Export as CSV, scrolling down to the style conversion drop-downs after selecting Use local format, and changing one of the styles to another option, the menu scrolls to the top automatically.


Innovation Studio and Portal