STEP 3. Add Simple Grid Report

  1. From the Main Menu, click Analytics > Reports. The Reports List page appears.
  2. At the top-right corner of the page, click the Insert icon. The Add Report page appears.
  3. Fill in the fields, as follows:
  4. Field Description

    Enter the report name which will be used by the system.

    Display Name The name of the report which will be displayed in the Portal. This field is mandatory.
    Entity Menu Section Select the entity menu section from where users will be able to generate the report in the Portal.
    Show In Menu Select the checkbox only if you selected the entity menu section from where users will be able to generate the report.
    Scope Select General.
    Type Select Tabular Report.
  5. At the top-tight corner of the page, click the Save and reload icon. The Edit Report page appears.
IMPORTANT!  You have to add a report item, otherwise the report cannot be generated.