
The Profile tab shows an overview of the customer's profile, identification data, contact information, timezone preferences, registered complaints, and their relationship with the bank (assigned bank division, business line, branch, and others).

Account Information

This section stores all the data related to the customer's account.

Field Required Type Description
Title No Option Set Select the customer's prefix from the option set.
Gender Yes Option Set Select the customer's gender from the option set.
First Name No Text The customer's first name.
Middle Name No Text The customer's middle name.
Age No Whole Number The customer's age.
Last Name Yes Text The customer's last name (family name/ surname).
Place of Birth No Text The customer's birth place.
Date of Birth No Date The customer's date of birth.
Account Type No Read Only The customer's account type. Possible value:
  • Individual person: for private individuals accounts, the unique identifier is the person's Personal Identification Number (PIN).
For additional details see the Define Account Types section.
Citizenship No Option Set Select the customer's citizenship.
PIN Yes Text A unique number allocated by the government to an individual used for taxation and other transactions purposes. The length depends on the country that issued the document.
Nationality No Lookup Select the customer's nationality.
Customer Segment Yes Option Set The following options are available:
  • UHNW
  • Mass Market
  • Mass Affluent
  • Affluent
  • Private Banking
  • HNW
Division Yes Lookup The business division to which the customer belongs. For more information, see the Define Business Divisions section.
Customer Subsegment No Option Set The following options are available:
  • Standard
  • Dynamic
  • Top Dynamic
Business Line Yes Lookup The division’s business line to which the customer belongs. For more information, see the Define Business Lines section.
Account Responsible No Lookup The employee responsible for the customer's account.
Branch Yes Date The business branch to which the customer belongs to.
Source No Read Only The record source. If the customer's profile is created through the FintechOS Portal, then the FTOS value is displayed. For external sources, the name of that particular source is displayed.

Civil Info

This section lists the customer's marital status and other related information.

EducationNoOption SetThe customer's education. The following options are available:
  • Gymnasium Studies
  • High School
  • Higher Education
  • No Studies/ Primary School
  • Postgraduate Studies (MBA, MA, ACCA, CFA, etc.)
  • Vocational School
Marital StatusNoOption Set The customer's marital status. The following options are available:
  • Consensual Union
  • Married
  • No Married
ProfessionNoTextThe persons that the customer acts as a legal representative or guardian.
Number of ChildrenNoTextThe customer's number of children.

Main Address

This section displays the customer's primary address. An account can have more than one address but only one primary address. Use the Open in Maps button to locate the main address in Google Maps.

In case a main address hasn't been set for the account, the main address is set automatically based on the following formula:

  • If the account has one address, then the address is set as the main address.
  • If the main address is not set, then the most recent Address type 1 is set as the main address.
  • If there is no Address type 1 found, then the most recent Address type 2 is set as the main address.
  • If there is no Address type 2 found, then the most recent Address type 3 is set as the main address.
If there aren't any valid addresses found on the customer's account, then an address cannot be set as main.


The Addresses section allows the storing of multiple addresses for the customer, such as the address from their identity card, office address, alternative address, or others. Select either Active or Inactive from the drop-down list to filter the records.

Active addresses are valid, up-to-date addresses that the customer uses at the present moment. Inactive addresses are addresses that are no longer in use by the customer.

Addresses can be added manually by inputting the address details or by using the OCR functionality where the details are extracted automatically from the customer's identity document. When creating a new address, click the Insert button and fill in the following fields:

Main AddressNoBoolIf true, the record is set as the main address.
StatusNoRead Only The status of the number: active or inactive.
Address TypeYesOption Set Select the address type from the following options:
  • Primary Address
  • Secondary Address
  • Billing Address
  • Social Address
  • Delivery Address
  • Home Address
  • Residence Address
CountryYesLookupThe country from the customer's address.
CityYesLookupThe city from the customer's address.
CountyYesLookupThe county from the customer's address.
Street TypeNoLookupThe street type from the customer's address. Select from the existing records or insert a new one.
Street NameYesTextThe street name from the customer's address.
Street NumberYesTextThe street number from the customer's address.
Building numberNoTextThe building number from the customer's address.
EntranceNoTextThe entrance name/ number from the customer's address.
Floor NumberNoTextThe floor number from the customer's address.
Apartment NumberNoTextThe apartment number from the customer's address.
Postal CodeNoTextThe postal code number from the customer's address.

Once finished adding the address details, click either Save and Close, or Save and Reload to continue to edit the record. The Edit Address Details page displays and from here you can set a record to be Inactive by setting the following fields:

Created OnNoRead Only The creation date of the record.
Expiration DateNoDateThe date the record is set to expire. Once this field is set, the record status is automatically changed to Inactive when the expiration date is set in the past compared to the system date.
SourceRead OnlyRead OnlyThe record source. If the record is created through the FintechOS Portal, then the FTOS value is displayed. For external sources, the name of that particular source is displayed.

Phone Numbers

The Phone Numbers section stores the customer's active or inactive phone numbers. Here, you can set personal or work phone numbers and even their landline or fax number. By default, the active phone numbers are displayed. Select the Inactive status to see the phone numbers that are no longer used by the customer.

To create a new phone number record, click the Insert button and fill in the following fields:

Main Phone NumberNoBoolThe main phone number can be manually set. If the main phone number is inactive, deleted, or there is no main phone number set, the system automatically determines the most recent phone number as main.
StatusNoRead Only The status of the number: active or inactive.
TypeYesOption Set Select the phone number type from the following options:
  • Mobile
  • Landline
  • Fax
  • National
  • International
UsageYesOption Set Select the phone number usage from the following options:
  • Work
  • Personal
  • Home
  • Office
Phone NumberYesTextInput the phone number.

Email Addresses

The Email Addresses section stores the customer's email addresses. Here, you can set the customer's personal, business, or marketing email address. By default, the active email addresses are displayed. Select the Inactive status to see the email addresses that are no longer used by the customer.

To create a new email record, click the Insert button and fill in the following fields:

Main Email AddressNoBoolThe main email address can be manually set. If the main email address is inactive, deleted, or there is no main email address set, the system automatically determines the most recent email address as main.
StatusNoRead Only The status of the number: active or inactive.
Email Address TypeYesOption Set Select the phone number type from the following options:
  • Business
  • Personal
  • Marketing
  • Other
Email AddressYesTextInput the email address.

Identity Cards

The Identity Cards section stores the customer's identity cards information from the following documents: ID card, Passport, Permit for residency, or other type of identification. The active identity cards are displayed by default but cards that are inactive can also be viewed.

Personal identification documents can be added automatically by using the OCR functionality or by manually inputting the information. When creating a new identity document entry, click the Insert button and fill in the following fields:

ID Card TypeYesOption Set

The identity document type. Select from the following options:

  • ID Card
  • Other Types
  • Passport
  • Permit for Residency
ID Card SeriesYesTextThe identity document series.
ID Card NumberYesTextThe identity document number.
Issued ByYesTextThe name of the institution that issued the identity document.
Issue dateYesDateThe issue date of the identity document.
Expiry DateYesDateThe expiry date of the identity document.


The Complaints section displays complaints associated with the customer's account. Here, you can see details regarding the complaint type, the communication channel it was made through, the date it was opened or closed, and a description containing details about the incident that led to the issued complaint.


This section lists the customer's preferences based on his culture or location.

CultureNoLookupThe customer's culture. Select from the existing records or create a new.
Time Zone NoOption set The customer's time zone. The following options are available:
  • Central European Standard Time
  • E. Europe Standard Time
  • W. Europe Standard Time
  • UTC
  • GMT Standard Time
  • Greenwich Standard Time
  • Russian Standard Time
  • Central America Standard Time
  • Canada Central Standard Time
  • US Eastern Standard Time
  • Middle East Standard Time
  • GBT Standard Time
Reporting CurrencyNoLookupThe customer's preferred currency. Select from the existing records or create a new one.