Product Portfolio

The Product Portfolio tab displays the banking products associated with the customer, such as credit line, personal loans, credit cards, and others.

Assets Products

The Assets Products section contains the bellow contract types, By default, the active records are displayed but the inactive ones can also be viewed by changing the status filter to Inactive. To view additional information, double-click on a record. Depending on the banking product selected, certain tabs are displayed.

Term Loan - banking product which defines a loan for a specific amount that has a specified repayment schedule and either a fixed or floating interest rate. For more details see the Term Loans page.


Credit Card - banking product that allows the customer to make purchases without bringing out any amount of cash. Instead, the customer borrows funds from the issuing bank, to make purchases. For more details see the Credit Cards page.


Overdraft (Current Account with Overdraft) - an extension of the credit from a lending institution that is granted when an account reaches zero. For more details see the Overdrafts page.