Company Identification
The Company Identification screen helps you to find the SME company's identification details in an automated ways: using a connector to return data from a third-party software or using Open Banking.
By using a connector, the solution incorporates an endpoint that calls the API to bring data from an external source. Such an external source can be the Companies House Connector. This connector queries the Companies House database to find public information about companies. However, the solution can accommodate any other third-party software, this is one such software integration developed by FintechOS. Depending on localization, other connectors prodused by FintechOS may be used: KeysFin (for the Romanian market), Dun&Bradstreet (available world-wide).
The connector is not included in the package. Download it separately. See Installation for details.
Steps to Identify the Company
To identify the company on the Let's find your company screen, choose one of the two methods:
by adding the company identification name, and clicking Next
by adding the IBAN
International Bank Account Number, if the SME already has an account with the bank, i.e. Open Banking
Open banking connects banks, third-parties and technical providers to securely exchange data..
Identify by IBAN Number
As an alternative to scanning the ID document, Open Banking is an option. It shortens the time for filling in the data manually.
The Open Banking section has not been developed. Configure it as needed.Insert the Account Number and Sort Code
A sort code is an important factor of your bank account. A sort code is a 6 digit number that identifies your bank.. Click Next.
The Confirm your company page is displayed. It shows the data found on the company: Based on the information you've entered, we've identified the following result. Is this your company? ABC company. Show more details. If you need assistance, please contact our call center: +0000000000. The process is the same as described above.
For this query to be made, add either the company identification number or the company name. Press Next to begin the query.
Confirm your company
The Confirm your company page is displayed. It shows the data found on the company: Based on the information you've entered, we've identified the following result. Is this your company? ABC company. Show more details. If you need assistance, please contact our call center: +0000000000.
After the query is made, the connector returns the following information:
- Company Name
- Incorporated on (date of incorporation).
If there is no match in Companies House, an error message is displayed: Company not found, please make sure the Company Identification Code is correct.
Three actions can be performed:
- click the back arrow to return to the Company Identification page
- click Next to move to the step Company Details
- click Show more details to display additional information about the company, such as:
- Social capital
- Number of employees
- Turnover.
Depending on the number of directors that the connector finds, the same number of signatures must be present on the contract for it to be approved in the flow Business Partners Signatures.
The page contains the message: The company details below will be used for the underwriting process. Please review the existing information and answer all questions before you continue.
This data is read-only, nonetheless, it is paramount that you read it to make sure that the system identified the right SME, as it is possible for multiple companies to be named the same and have similar identification data. These details help you to select the correct SME that you are representing.
Click Next to continue.