Company Details

This page collects data for the Scoring criteria used in the Configuring the Formulas. With the use of this processor, the scoring calculations can be modified easily within Fintech OS Studio.

The page displays the message: The company details below will be used for the underwritingClosed Underwriting is the process by which your lender verifies your income, assets, debt and property details in order to issue final approval on your loan application. process. Please answer all questions before you continue.

Fill in the fields:



What is your company's social capital?


Insert the value. The default currency is the euro.
How many employees do you have? Mandatory Insert the value.
What is your turnover over the last 12 months? Mandatory Insert the value. The default currency is the euro.
How established is your company? Mandatory

Select between:

  • Revenues of 9-12 months
  • Revenues of 1-2 years
  • Revenues of 2-3 years
  • Revenues of 3-4 years
  • Revenues of 4-5 years
  • More than 5 years of revenue.
Do your trade with customers on credit? Mandatory

Select between:

  • Never
  • It’s a small part of my sales
  • It’s a significant part of my sales.
What are your total expected annual debt repayments over the last 12 months? Mandatory Insert the value. The default currency is the euro.
What is your net profit over the past 12 months? Mandatory Insert the value. The default currency is the euro.

Click Confirm and submit to continue the process. The database saves the values inserted and uses them in the Business Formulas to determine the scoring for the company.