Company Documents

This screen asks you to upload company documents needed as proof for the bank to open an account with the message We managed to identify a part of the required company documents. Please upload the missing documents to continue.

The following documents are mandatory:

Three options are available to get the documents:

  • get the documents from the connector used in the step Company Identification

    The system fetches the document(s) from a third-party provider. In case the documents are found, they are automatically uploaded and marked as checked.

  • get the documents from the accounting software

    The page displays a list of accounting software. Additionally, a search bar exists. Insert the name of the software you are looking for.

    This option was not developed. Configure it as needed.
  • upload the documents as pdf

    You can upload the documents in pdf format or take a picture. Up to 20 photos of documents can be uploaded. To upload the document, click Upload. The system opens the file explorer. After the first file was uploaded, a new button Add file is displayed to attach more files.

For details on the documents, see SME_RequestedCompanyDocuments.

Once you are ready, click Done.