Registered Company Credit


The FintechOS Experian Connector offers the possibility of searching databases credit data for registered companies (UK limited companies), including corporate structure, management information, shareholders, legal notices, fraud data

The below walkthrough is a proposition on how to use the FintechOSExperian Connector in a digital journey to search for accurate address data.

Follow the below steps to access and retrieve information using the Registered Company Credit method. For details on how to access the connector and select the search method, see the Searching for Company Data page.

1 Method Search

After accessing the connector, select the Registered Company Credit method and click the Next Button. The Edit Experian Search - Commercial Credit page opens. Fill in the following field:

Field RequiredTypeDescription
Registration NumberNoTextThe business's name.

2 Retrieve Results

In the Edit Experian Search - Registered Company Credit Results page, click the Registered Company Credit section to display the main search results. If a record is found in the Experian database, the information is displayed on this page.


3 Additional Details

Double-click on the returned record for additional information. The Edit Search Summary page opens. The following sections are displayed:


At the top-right corner of the screen, click the Save and Close button. The Edit Experian Search - Registered Company Credit Results page opens. To return to the Experian Search List page, click the Finish button.