Company Lookup


The DUNS Company Lookup method searches the Dun and Bradstreet database for a company match. The search can be made essentially by the company's DUNS number but other parameters can be used as well. For example: company name, email address, postal code, and so on.

The below walkthrough is a proposition on how to use the FintechOSDun and Bradstreet Connector in a digital journey to search for company data.

Follow the below steps to access and retrieve information using the DUNS Lookup method. For details on how to access the connector and select the search method, see the Company Search page.

1 Lookup Method Search

After logging into the Dun and Bradstreet platform and accessing the connector, select the DUNS Lookup method and click Next. The Edit DUNS Search - 02. DUNS - Lookup page opens. Fill in the below fields and click the Next button when finished. The Edit DUNS Search - 02. DUNS - Lookup Results page opens.

The search can be made by inputting information in any of the below fields, not just by DUNS number.

Field RequiredTypeDescription
DUNS NumberNoTextThe subject identifier under the Data Universal Numbering System of the inquired subject. Or D&B's identification number, which provides unique identification of the inquired organization, in accordance with the Data Universal Numbering System (D-U-N-S).
Transaction TimestampNoDateThe date and time when this request was created. When the request is from an intermediary, such as a workflow manager or service bus, this is the date and time when the message was sent to the D&B function, i.e., the date and time when the xml document was created by the requesting intermediary.
Country ISO Alpha2 CodeNoTextThe two-letter country/market code, defined in the ISO 3166-1 scheme published by International Organization for Standardization (ISO), identifying the country/market for this address.Possible values: ISO Alpha 2 Codes only
Application Transaction IDNoTextUnique Transaction ID of the request generated by the service.
Submitting Office IDNoTextA number that identifies the system or the software application from where this request originated. / A number used to uniquely identfy the D&B business segment or delivery channel from where this request originated.

Subject Name



Text that records the name of the inquired subject.
StreetAddressLineNoTextText that records the street address components as it would be presented on an address label. This includes, but is not limited to, details such as street name, street number, building name, estate name.
Primary Town NameNoTextThe name of the town or city recognized by the Postal Authority for delivering mail.
Territory NameNoTextTerritory Abbreviated Name for US and Canada (e.g.: NY for New York). Full Territory Name for all other countries The name of a locally governed area which forms part of a centrally governed nation. As a guiding principle this is a geographic area which could theoretically exist as a separate nation. In the U.S. this would be a State in the UK this would be one of the Home Nations. Possible values: Territory Abbreviated Name for US and Canada (eg: NY for New York). Full Territory Name for all other countries
Full Postal CodeNoTextAn identifier used by the local country Postal Authority to identify a particular geographic location and may include the identification of a street or building. When this data has been derived by concatenating the elements Postal Code and Postal Code Extension, a separator will be inserted between these two elements based on country rules. For example, when the address is a U.S. address, the separator that will be used is a hyphen '-'.
Telephone NumberNoTextA sequence of digits used by the subject for voice communication in a public switched telephone network. This sequence of digits includes the area code or city code. Note: This number does not include the International Dialing Code and Domestic Dialing Code.
International Dialing CodeNoTextThe country calling code assigned by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) required to connect to this Telecommunication Number of the subject country when dialing from outside the subject country; e.g., '1' for the US, '44' for the UK, '91' for India.
Organization Identification NumberNoTextA number assigned by an external body or by D&B which either uniquely identifies or helps to identify an organization.
URL TextNoTextText recording the internet URL that uniquely identifies the propreitary website of the subject or the website preferred by the subject which gives more information on the subject
Email AddressNoTextText recording the electronic mail address used by a subject by which the subject can transmit and or receive text messages, links, and files electronically, typically via a network, like the Internet.
Candidate Maximum QuantityNoWhole NumberA numeric value indicating the greatest number of candidate subjects that may be included in the result set.
Confidence Lower Level Threshold ValueNoWhole NumberA numeric value from 4 (low) up to 10 (high) indicating the required level of certainty at which a possible Candidate should be included in the result set.

Exclusion Criteria

NoTextText that denotes an exclusion requirement that the Match process should apply to prevent subjects from being returned as candidates. For example if the value is specified as Out of Business, then the match process should not return any candidates that have an Operating Status which denotes Out Of Business.Possible values: Exclude Non HeadQuarters; Exclude Non MarkeTable Exclude Out of Business; Exclude Undeliverable; Exclude Unreachable

Match Type Text

NoTextText describing the nature of match to be applied during the match process. When MatchTypeText is set as 'SBRI', this indicates that the match will be performed against the D&B Small Business repository.Possible values: SBRI; Advanced; Basic

Customer Reference Text

NoTextA freeform reference string provided by the customer to be linked to the product in order to support subsequent order reconciliation.
Customer Billing Endorsement TextNoTextText that is filled in by customer and commonly contains requesting individual or department name, or customer's own account/reference number and/or name for the case on which the product was provided.This text is a reference used during the billing process.

2 Retrieve Results

In the Edit DUNS Search - 02. DUNS - Lookup Results page, click the Business Search section to display the main search results. If a match is made in the Dun and Bradstreet database, the information is displayed on this page.

3 Additional Details

Double-click on the returned record for additional information. The Edit DUNS - Business Search page opens. The following sections are displayed:

DUNS - Business Search

Field RequiredTypeDescription
Application Transaction IDNoTextUnique Transaction ID of the request generated by the service
Candidate Matched QuantityNoTextThe number of subjects presented as possible matches in the result set.
Match Data Criteria TextNoTextThe match criteria type.
NameNoTextDisplays the main street or avenue from the address.

Result Description



Text that records the name of the inquired subject.

Search Lookup ID



The Search lookup ID.

Service Transaction ID



The service transaction ID.

Transaction Timestamp



The transaction time stamp.


DUNS - Match Candidate

Field RequiredTypeDescription
Business Lookup IDNoLookupThe business lookup ID.
Country ISO Alpha2 CodeNoTextThe two-letter country/market code, defined in the ISO 3166-1 scheme published by International Organization for Standardization (ISO), identifying the country/market for this address.
DUNS NumberNoTextThe subject identifier under the Data Universal Numbering System of the inquired subject. Or D&B's identification number, which provides unique identification of the inquired organization, in accordance with the Data Universal Numbering System (D-U-N-S).
Full NameNoTextThe name of the individual or the organization.

Line Text


The street name from the subject's address.


NoTextText that records the name of the inquired subject.

Operating Status Text


Text describing this organization's functional state / trading status, e.g. active, out of business, dormant.

Organization Name


The name of the organization.

Mailing Address Postal Code


The subject's postal code.

Mailing Address Postal Extension Code


The subject's postal code extension.

Primary Address Postal Code Extension Code


The primary address postal code extension.

Primary Address Postal Code


The primary address postal code.

Territory Abbreviated Name


The abbreviated territory name.

Undeliverable Indicator



The undeliverable indicator.

Primary Town Name



The primary town name.

Telecommunication Number



The telecommunication number.

Mailing Address Territory Abbreviated Name



The mailing address territory abbreviated name.

Mailing Address Undeliverable Indicator



The mailing address undeliverable indicator.

Unreachable Indicator



The unreachable indicator.

DUNS - Corporate Linkage List

Field RequiredTypeDescription
Children TypeNoTextThe relationship of the children to the linked family tree subject. For example: division, subsidiary, branch, affiliate.
CountryNoTextPrimary address of the family tree member organization.
DUNS NumberNoTextThe subject identifier under the Data Universal Numbering System of the inquired subject. Or D&B's identification number, which provides unique identification of the inquired organization, in accordance with the Data Universal Numbering System (D-U-N-S).
Family Tree Member RoleNoNoThe type of role the member has in an ownership structured family tree.

Town Name



The primary town name.

Standalone Indicator



It indicates that this organization is not a member of a legal family tree.


At the top-right corner of the screen, click the Save and Close button. The Edit DUNS Search - 02. DUNS - Lookup Results page displays. To return to the Edit DUNS Search - 02. DUNS - Lookup page, click Next.