Configure Omnichannel Communication Channel Providers

1 Apply for subscription key

Go to the FintechOS Services Portal and apply for a subscription key for the FintechOS Omnichannel Communication Automation processor. You need the subscription key to configure the automation processor, which is editing the FTOSEmailGateway channel provider so that it uses this processor.

2 Edit the FTOSEmailGateway channel provider

To configure the Automation Blocks you need to edit the FTOSEmailGateway channel provider:

  1. Log into the Innovation Studio using a developer account.
  2. From the menu, click Admin > Omnichannel Communication Automation > Channel Providers.
  3. Double click on the 'FTOSEmailGateway' record.

    The Edit Channel Provider page appears which allows you to update settings and also see the list of channel provider statuses.

  4. Fill in the following mandatory fields:

    FieldData typeDescription
    Communication ChannelOption setSelect email from the option set. For details, see Create the Channel Configurations.
    Name TextInsert the name for the gateway.
    Provider Name TextInsert the name of the provider.
    Service UrlTextThe URL provided by FintechOS
    App user TextIt is the user credentials given by the provider.
    App PasswordTextIt is the password given by the provider.
    App KeyTextThe subscription key provided by the FintechOS Services Portal for the FintechOS Omnichannel Communication Automation processor.
    appConfigTextThe configuration file.
    From AddressText

    The email address from which the emails will be sent to customers. It is the email address displayed in the From field of the email sent to customers.

    Please, be sure to consult FintechOS to create an email address with the name of the company.
    Bulk NoWhole NumberThe number of emails that are processed in one step.
    Interval Min TextIt is the limit for sending messages. The job will send messages only in this time frame (HH:MM:SS) (UTC time).
    Interval MaxTextIt is the limit for sending messages. The job will send messages only in this time frame (HH:MM:SS) (UTC time).
    Retry Max AttemptWhole numberThe maximum number of times the server tries sending the message if the message status is 'Error'.
    Pool Time RetryTextThe time interval the server waits until it attempts to send the message that has previously failed (message status is 'Error'). The format is HH:MM:SS (hours:minutes:seconds).
    Open SettingBoolTracks the open email events.
    Click SettingBoolTracks the clicked links within the email body events.
  5. At the top-right corner of the page, click the Save and close icon to save the changes.