UK Direct Debit

This functionality handles the direct debit payment operations for UK area.

Below are the journeys, entities, libraries and scripts related to this functionality:

Digital Journeys

On Demand Scripts

Business Workflow Configuration Actions

Business Workflow: FTOS_PYMT_DirectDebitMandate

Transition Description
_proposal The initial status of any mandate issued in the system.
active_cancelled The transition to this status is made according to the 0, 1, 2, 3, B, C Reason Codes. These values, received in the ADDACS file, are specific for mandates deletion.
active_expired When the current date passed the end date of the mandate. The expiration triggers the automatic change of the payment type on the policy, from Direct Debit to Bank Transfer (OP).
active_versionClosed When a version of the mandate is closed.
approved_active When a version of the mandate is approved and the current date is the begin date or is passed the begin date, already.
approved_draft When a new mandate version is created.
approved_expired When the current date passed the end date of the mandate. The expiration triggers the automatic change of the payment type on the policy, from Direct Debit to Bank Transfer (OP).


The transition to this status is made according to the R Reason Code. The R value, received in the ADDACS file, is specific for mandates reactivation.

draft_active When the current date is the begin date.
This transition is triggered by the DIDEUK_Instructions job, which verifies if the current date is the mandate begin date and changes the status to Active for all eligible mandates.
draft_cancelled The transition to this status is made according to the 0, 1, 2, 3, B, C Reason Codes. These values, received in the ADDACS file, are specific for mandates deletion.
draft_expired When the current date passed the end date of the mandate. The expiration triggers the automatic change of the payment type on the policy, from Direct Debit to Bank Transfer (OP).
draft_versionDraft When the users initiates the mandate versioning process.
proposal_draft When the direct debit mandate is registered in the system but its begin date is greater than the current date.
versionDraft_approved When a version of the mandate is approved.
versionDraft_versionUnapproved When a version of the mandate is not approved.



The FTOS_PYMT_DIDEProcessor is used for setting the following parameters:

Below is an example of processor settings:

Processor Example

Server Side Script Libraries

Scheduled Jobs