Outgoing Payments Admin

The Outgoing Payments Requests functionality lets you add, approve, and pay different payment requests, manually or automatically.

FTOS_PYMT_Payment_EditFormOutgoing Journey

General description:

This is a user journey aimed at implementing the Edit Outgoing Payment functionality, in order to manually allocate or deallocate an outgoing payment. This journey is connected to the FTOS_PYMT_Payment entity.

This form is used to manually allocate or deallocate an outgoing payment.

The user clicks Allocate to open the Payment Request Search grid. The user searches for the desired outgoing payments, inside the grid. For the search, the following parameters are available:

Search parameters: Description
referenceNo Reference No.
outgoingPaymentTypeSearchId Outgoing Payment Type
amountMin Payment Amount min
amountMax Payment Amount max
payerNameSearch Payment Beneficiary Name
ibanSearch IBAN
startDueDateFrom Start Due Date From
startDueDateTo Start Due Date To
At least one criteria has to be filled in. If not, a warning message is shown: "Warning! The fields should not be empty!".

In order to show the results, the following functions are used:

FTOS_PYMT_OutgoingPaymentFileReadOnly Form Journey

This is a user journey connected to the FTOS_PYMT_OutgoingPaymentFile entity.

The Default View allows the user to see a list of all the outgoing payments instruction files generated by the FTOS_PYMT_OutgoingPaymentInstructionFile scheduled job. From this view, the user can select a record, double-click on it to launch the FTOS_PYMT_OutgoingPaymentFileReadOnly Form, to see the file details. The form allows the user to see the details (file name and date of generation) of the outgoing payments instruction files generated by the FTOS_PYMT_OutgoingPaymentInstructionFile scheduled job. Also, the form allows the user to download the generated file.

On Demand Scripts

FTOS_PYMT_OutgoingPaymentInstructionFile - this script calls the runOutgoingPaymentInstructionFile function from the FTOS_PYMT_OutgoingPaymentFiles server side script library in order to generate the instructions file for outgoing payments.

Input parameters: N/A.

Output parameters: N/A.


The following endpoints are used for matching between outgoing payment requests and outgoing payments:

Server Side Script Libraries

Scheduled jobs