Manual Allocation

Here are the journeys, entities, libraries and endpoints related to the Manual Allocation functionality:

FTOS_PYMT_Payment_EditForm Journey

This is a user journey aimed at implementing the Manual Allocation functionality. This journey is marked as Default for insert on FTOS_PYMT_Payment entity.

Search Statement: After clicking the Allocate button on the FTOS_PYMT_Payment_EditForm, the Statement Search grid is displayed. Clicking the Search Statement button returns data about an Installment or a Statement, based on the following search parameters:

  • startDueDateFrom

  • startDueDateTo

  • firstName

  • statementAmount

  • lastName

  • PaymentTypeSearchId

  • policyNo

  • currencyId

  • currencyName

In order to perform a search the user must specify at least one parameter.

In order to show the results, we are using the following functions:

In order to manually allocate a payment, the user clicks on the Add button next to the desired Statement or Installment from the list.

Server Automation Scripts

Server Automation Script Library

The FTOS_PYMT_PaymentAllocation_Manual library contains an object with the following functions: