Import Bank Statements

The Import Bank Statements functionality lets you import bank statement files for payment processing. In FintechOS Portal, select Billing and Collection and then select Bank Statements. On the Bank Statements List page, click the Insert button to load a new bank account statement. The Insert triggers the import of the bank file in the system and changes the business status of the record to Imported. This functionality also allows for import of payment files from online payment processors.

The journeys, entities, libraries, and endpoints related to the Import Bank Statements functionality are as follows:

Payment Group Insert Journey

General description:

This is a user journey aimed at implementing the Insert Bank Statement functionality. The journey is marked as Default for insert on FTOS_PYMT_PaymentGroup entity.

After selecting the file to import, when pressing Import Data, the record is saved - using the ebs.saveEditForm method, from the FintechOS Client Side SDK. Next, the flow is redirected to the default form driven flow of FTOS_PYMT_PaymentGroup entity - using the ebs.goToUrl method from FintechOS Client Side SDK.

Payment Group Journey

General description:

This is a user journey aimed at implementing the payment group functionality. The journey is marked as Default for insert on FTOS_PYMT_PaymentGroup entity. This journey has three steps:

  1. Bank Statement - Processing the information from the bank statement.

  2. Payments - Making the payment.

  3. GL - Creating the general ledger record for the payment.

The journey uses the initiateTotals function, which collects all the unallocated payments - paymentOrder, paymentExternal, brokerPremiumPayment and outgoing - and shows them to the Payments and Outgoing Payments grids.

Input parameters: paymentGroupId - The Id of the payment group.

Output Parameters: N/A.

Business Workflow Configurations Actions

Below is the diagram with the statuses and transitions managed through the Import Bank Statements functionality.

Business Workflow Transitions:

Status Description
_Draft Initial status
Draft_Imported From Draft to Imported - final status.
This transition is manual and it happens when the user presses the Import button.

Server Side Script Libraries